今天写C#脚本,运行时报错,错误信息: InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. 然后定位到出错行,发现是foreach循环出错,记得之前遇到过,foreach...in...里不能有remove的,奈何写的时候又忘记了。 错误代码: foreach(
1.异常信息: 未处理System.InvalidOperationException HResult=-2146233079 Message=The custom trace listener 'custom listener' does not have a listener type name set or the type is invalid (F:\CBCT64\Output
1.异常信息: 未处理System.InvalidOperationException HResult=-2146233079 Message=The custom trace listener 'custom listener' does not have a listener type name set or the type is invalid (F:\CBCT64\Output
问题描述 docker更新或重启后出现Failed to set version to docker=desktop exit code:-1错误,如图: 问题原因: 代理软件(VPN)和wsl2的sock端口冲突 Proxifer开发者解释如下: 如果Winsock LSP DLL被加载到其进程中,则wsl.exe将显示此错误。最简单的解决方案是对wsl.exe使用WSCSetApp