1、The Bit interface exports functions that manipulate bit vectors, which can be used to represent sets of integers from zero to N− 1. For example, 256-bit vectors can be used to represent sets of c
1、A ring is much like a sequence: It holds N values associated with the integer indices zero through N −1 when N is positive. 2、An empty ring holds no values. Values are pointers. 3、Like the valu
1、A sequence holds N values associated with the integer indices zero through N−1 when N is positive. 2、An empty sequence holds no values. 3、Like arrays, values in a sequence may be accessed by
1、An array is a homogeneous sequence of values in which the elements in the sequence are associated one-to-one with indices in a contiguous range. 2、Arrays in some form appear as built-in data typ
1、A set is an unordered collection of distinct members. 2、The basic operations on a set are testing for membership, adding members, and removing members. 3、Other operations include set union, in
1、An associative table is a set of key-value pairs. It’s like an array except that the indices can be values of any type. C语言中宏的作用域是文件或者遇到undef为止。 table的实现是以哈希表和链表实现。内存形式如下: ==========
1、This chapter describes a memory-management interface and an imple-mentation that uses arena-based algorithms, which allocate memory from an arena and deallocate entire arenas at once. 2、With the ar
1、After the call to free, p holds a dangling pointer— a pointer that refers to memory that logically does not exist. Subse-quently dereferencing p is an error, although if the block hasn’t been re