
IceCTF Pretty Pixels

题目:Don't get me wrong, I love pretty colors as much as the next guy... but what does it mean? pretty_pixels.png pretty_pixels.png 看到这种图, 第一想法就是SetgSolve, 但是我打开这个图后左右切换了很久都没看到flag. 然后看其他师傅的wp,

IceCTF 2016

WriteUp Corrupt TransmissionRotated!Blue MondayAll your Base are belong to usThor’s a hacker nowScavenger HuntR.I.P Transmission 涨姿势 Audio ProblemsIntercepted Conversations Pt.1Intercepted Conversa

IceCTF Root of All Evil

题目: Oh no! Dr.Evil managed to get into one of ours servers, we don't know what he did. I took an image of the file system, can you take a look and see what he left behind? Note to Foreign teams: Plea