
解决AIP LaTeX 模板bib报错,You haven`t defined the language english yet

在外文投稿时,LaTeX在排版上具有很好的便利性。在使用ASA模板写小论文时出现了 You haven't defined the language en yet. You haven't defined the language english yet. 以及类似的涉及其他语言的提示,很大原因是bib文件中出现了 language={english} 这一条,引起了语言设置相关pack

[ERROR] You have enabled the binary log, but you haven't provided the mandatory server-id.

MySQL在开启bin-log时报错,信息如下: [ERROR] You have enabled the binary log, but you haven’t provided the mandatory server-id. Please refer to the proper server start-up parameters documentation  2016-09-03T03: