
poj 1873 The Fortified Forest (位运算枚举 + 凸包周长)

题目链接: 大意:有一片N棵树的森林,要从中砍掉几棵树做成篱笆,把剩下的树围起来 输入:给N课树,每棵树的坐标是x,y,每棵树有一个vi和li分别代表砍掉这棵树的花费和砍掉后可做成篱笆的长度 输出:被砍掉树的编号(从1开始)、把剩下的树围起来后剩下的篱笆米数。 思路:暴力枚举..用01表示哪些树被砍了,维护一个可行的最小值,

C - The Fortified Forest(凸包)

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a king. This king owned a small collection of rare and valuable trees, which had been gathered by his ancestors on their travels. To protect his trees