
【安装配置】Tomcat配置SSL证书步骤(含Element type “Connector“ must be followed by either attribute...的处理方案)

文章目录 1. 先购买并下载证书,总结在这篇文章↓。2. 使用java jdk将PFX格式证书转换为JKS格式证书3. 将jks文件上传到tomcat/conf目录中4. 配置conf中的server.xml↓标题中异常的解决办法↓ 5.配置web.xml6.将443端口加入安全组入口7.完整server.xml文件拿去复制Server.xmlweb.xml 看完还有什么疑问

To force a start use “systemctl reset-failed docker.service“ followed by “systemctl start docker.ser

centos7上的docker启动失败,报错如下: Job for docker.service failed because start of the service was attempted too often. See "systemctl status docker.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.To force a start

Mac下执行sed总是报错:command a expects \ followed by text

linux下可以直接执行sed命令,mac下总是报错:command a expects \ followed by text 通过搜索发现,mac下不能直接使用sed,需要使用gsed命令,但是需要先下载gnu-sed brew install gnu-sed 安装成功后,再次执行命令成功 (base) ➜ ~ gsed '2 a newline' test.txtrootr

Element type bean must be followed by either attribute specifications or

Element type “bean” must be followed by either attribute specifications or 出错原因) 如下图所示: 情况有两种,一个是id和class之间没有空格造成,还有另外一种可能是复制过来后字符集出现问题,也能导致这种情况的产生。 (初来乍到,请大佬们多指教)

error C2632: ‘char‘ followed by ‘char‘ is illegal

error C2632: 'char' followed by 'char' is illegal remove -std=c99