

新建NewtonsoftJsonSerializer.cs /// <summary>/// ISerializer implementation based on Newtonsoft.Json./// Default serializer used in calls to GetJsonAsync, PostJsonAsync, etc./// </summary>public c

.NetCore Flurl.Http 4.0.0 以上管理客户端

Flurl.Http-3.2.4 升级到 4.0.0 版本后,https请求异常:Call failed. The SSL connection could not be established. 请参考:.NetCore Flurl.Http 升级到4.0后 https 无法建立SSL连接-CSDN博客 参考原文地址:Managing Clients - Flurl 管理客户端

.NetCore Flurl.Http 升级到4.0后 https 无法建立SSL连接

Flurl.Http-3.2.4 升级到 4.0.0 版本后,https请求异常:Call failed. The SSL connection could not be established. 如下图: Flurl.Http-3.2.4版本绕过https的代码,对于 Flurl.Http-4.0.0 版本来说方法不再适用,3.2.4及4.0.0版本绕过https代码成果在文章最后有展示

Flurl.Http出现Call failed. The SSL connection could not be established 错误

用了SKIT的组件做企业微信开发,本地测试正常,上传服务器后出现One or more errors occurred. (The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.)错误 解决办法,修改Flurl默认的httpclient public class UntrustedCertClientFactory :