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一、activity的onDestroy()函数 Google解释: /** * Perform any final cleanup before an activity is destroyed. This can * happen either because the activity is finishing (someone called *
作者:lwyang? 内核版本:Linux-4.20.8 br_handle_frame_finish函数主要是决策将不同类别的数据包做不同的分发路径,它会决定数据包是转发还是交给上层协议栈去处理,所以我给这个函数取名为决策函数,也是即将离开NF_BR_PRE_ROUTING链时做的处理 int br_handle_frame_finish(struct net *net, struct
用C# Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Installer Projects 打包失败,报错如下: ERROR: 生成引导程序时出错: Unable to finish updating resource for E:\CODE\Debug\setup.exe with error 8007006E ERROR: General failure bui
异常提示 There is an existing release branch 'xxx'. Finish that one first. To work with multiple hotfixes at the same time, configure Git config option 'gitflow.multi-release=true'. 解决方案 打开git bash,按照
Activity.finish() Call this when your activity is done and should be closed. 在你的activity动作完成的时候,或者Activity需要关闭的时候,调用此方法。 当你调用此方法的时候,系统只是将最上面的Activity移出了栈,并没有及时的调用onDestory()方法,其占用的资源也没有被及时释放。