
UVA 11552 Fewest Flops

水题 #include<cstdio>#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>#define MAX 1100using namespace std;char s[MAX];int L,k,dp[MAX][26],count_t[26];void init(){cin>>k;cin>>s;L=strlen(s);

uva 11552 - Fewest Flops(dp)

题目链接:uva 11552 - Fewest Flops 题目大意:给定一个k,和一个字符串,字符串长度是k的倍数,将字符串分成len/k份,每一份中的字母可以任意交换位置,现在要求每一份中的字母重排之后,字母块数最小。 解题思路:dp[i][j]表示在第i/k份以j字符结尾的字母块数。 #include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#

UVA11552——Fewest Flops(DP)

FEWEST FLOPS A common way to uniquely encode a string is by replacing its consecutive repeating characters (or “chunks”) by the number of times the character occurs followed by the characte