
Featured Based知识蒸馏及代码(3): Focal and Global Knowledge (FGD)

文章目录 1. 摘要2. Focal and Global 蒸馏的原理2.1 常规的feature based蒸馏算法2.2 Focal Distillation2.3 Global Distillation2.4 total loss 3. 实验完整代码 论文: htt

Featured Based知识蒸馏及代码(3): Focal and Global Knowledge (FGD)

文章目录 1. 摘要2. Focal and Global 蒸馏的原理2.1 常规的feature based蒸馏算法2.2 Focal Distillation2.3 Global Distillation2.4 total loss 3. 实验完整代码 论文: htt

Featured Based知识蒸馏及代码(3): Focal and Global Knowledge (FGD)

文章目录 1. 摘要2. Focal and Global 蒸馏的原理2.1 常规的feature based蒸馏算法2.2 Focal Distillation2.3 Global Distillation2.4 total loss 3. 实验完整代码 论文: htt

magento -- 推荐插件 -- Featured Products

名称:    Featured Products Extension Key:magento-community/Inchoo_FeaturedProducts网址:    http://www.magentocommerce.com/extension/2513/featured-products介绍:    One of the most requested feature in Mage