
Hive报错[ERROR] Terminal initialization failed; falling back to unsupported

当启动Hive时报[ERROR] Terminal initialization failed; falling back to unsupported时,进入到hadoop安装目录下的share/hadoop/yarn/lib下删除jline-0.9.94,再启动hive即可。

八、每晚准时入眠的五个关键要素(The 5 Keys to Falling Asleep On Time Every Night)

The best book I’ve read on sleep is Matthew Walker’s Why We Sleep. In it, he explains the importance of getting good sleep as well as offers suggestions for how to avoid problems of nighttime insomn

ACM 树的递归 Not so Mobile The Falling Leaves

滴,集训第一天打卡。 今天是紫书第六章训练+STL的运用。 STL的就不放啦~这里有2道表面是建树,其实是递归(不必要建树)的题讲一下。 (哇,刷新了我对递归的认识..感觉超级厉害的!) UVA 839 Not so Mobile 题目大意:给你一个杠杆两端的物体的质量和力臂,如果质量为零,则下面是一个杠杆,判断是否所有杠杆平衡。 #include<iostrea

ParserWarning: Falling back to the 'python' engine,you can avoid this warning by specifying engine='

在pd读取文件时遇到这个warning,特别讨厌,所以想去掉这个玩意。 Warning (from warnings module):File "D:\python36\new\movies = pd.read_csvParserWarning: Falling back to the 'python' engine because the 'c' engine does not suppor

linux下python matplotlib 中文字体Font family [‘sans-serif‘] not found. Falling back to DejaVu Sans

问题 在linux新的python环境,安装了matplotlib,但是使用中文字体时找不到。 问题代码: import matplotlib.pyplot as pltplt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 中文字体设置 报错: findfont: Font family ['sans-serif'] not found. F

教你一招解决:no active profile set,falling back to default profiles:default.

本来代码已经完成,现需要重新打包上传到服务器,我之前的打包步骤一直都是 重启项目-maven package,今天也不知咋的,我嫌重启太慢了,就直接 先clean-再package,结果就是项目在服务器上运行不起来了,当时我就知道肯定是打包出问题了。仔细看了控制台日志,总共也没多少日志,很快就找到了关键:no active profile set,falling back to default p

已解决sys:1: FutureWarning: Could not cast to float64, falling back to object. This behavior is depreca

已解决(DataFrame创建时设置dtype类型为float报错)sys:1: FutureWarning: Could not cast to float64, falling back to object. This behavior is deprecated. In a future version, when a dtype is passed to ‘DataFrame’, eith