
You have entered an invalid Apple ID. Your Apple ID is a numeric identifier.

自己的项目由于一直被拒绝造成现在转到了审核状态,并且持续了一周。需要向苹果去一封邮件问问什么原因。 在itunes connect里填好自己填的东西后发现 当我们填进去自己项目里的Apple ID却发现不行 You have entered an invalid Apple ID. Your Apple ID is a numeric identifier. 这个ID其实就在这里

react 刷新页面的时候报错“The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually...”

问题描述: 部署的页面,点浏览器右上角刷新后,页面报错: The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.  问题解决: browserRouter替换成HashRouter