
Codeforces Round #311 (Div. 2)A Ilya and Diplomas

【比赛链接】click here~~ 【题目大意】 n个人,获取一到三等文凭,每门文凭有大小范围,求最后文凭各颁发多少 【解题思路】直接枚举了, 看完题,赶紧写了一发代码,发现居然错过注册时间,系统提示不能提交代码,真是醉了~~,以后还是得提前注册: A题,比较简单: 我去,昨天发的代码早上交上去居然WA了,简直打脸~~ 更新一下代码 代码: #include <iostre

D - Diplomas and Certificates CodeForces - 818A

There are n students who have taken part in an olympiad. Now it’s time to award the students. Some of them will receive diplomas, some wiil get certificates, and others won’t receive anything. Studen