
【论文笔记】Towards Corrective Deep Imitation Learning in Data Intensive Environments

【论文笔记】Towards Corrective Deep Imitation Learning in Data Intensive Environments: Helping robots to learn faster by leveraging human knowledge Abstract Interactive imitation learning refers to learni

论文:Accel A Corrective Fusion Network forEfficient Semantic Segmentation on Video

这是一篇2019CVPR(oral)的文章,也是我几个月前看的,有人说这篇文章有点水,给CVPR颁“金酸莓奖”,知乎网友热议最差论文,战火烧到Reddit论坛,所以我当时也没认真看了。 论文地址:Accel: A Corrective Fusion Network forEfficient Semantic Segmentation on Video code: