
this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key XXX

我是新手,做的第一个应用就出现了下列问题:  (看图片附件1) 错误原因: 在stackoverflow中找到一点思路,虽然看的不是很懂,但是大致了解意思 It is caused by the Second view controller in MainWindow.xib having a class of UIViewControllerinstead of SecondView. Ch

this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key uiWebView

网上搞了一大堆操作,,,, 最好,重启模拟器,居然搞店,,,

ES证书过期,错误信息: current license is non-compliant for [security]

ES证书过期 一、背景二、解决 一、背景 参考: es日志报错信息:current license is non-compliant for [security] ES的X-pack许可证是提供免费一个月的试用,但是到期之后,就会报这个错误 二、解决 可使用以下任意

dbeaver查看表,解决证书报错current license is non-compliant for [jdbc]

http://localhost:9200/_license { “license” : { “status” : “active”, “uid” : “b91ae0e0-b04d-4e20-8730-cf0bca7b2035”, “type” : “basic”, “issue_date” : “2023-02-22T14:33:27.648Z”, “issue_date_in_millis”


全部 符合的 Chief compliant: Contractions, rupture of membranes. 主诉: 宫缩, 胎膜破裂. 期刊摘选 Nature, instead of being compliant, is indifferent. 大自然是冷漠的, 绝不屈从于人类的意志. 期刊摘选 To be compliant to organization arrangem