
阅读赵炯博士的Linux内核分析0.12完全注释笔记(A heavily Commented Linux Kernel Source Code Linux Version 0.11)...

Read the fucking source code  -Linus Bendict Torvalds 基础:   具备一些基本的 C 语言知识和 Intel CPU 汇编语言知识 有关 C 语言最佳   参考资料仍是 Brain W. Kernighan 先生和 Dennis M. Ritchie 先生合著的《The C Programming Language》一书。而汇编语言的资料则可

IDEA commented out code (* lines)消除方法

File—>settings—>搜索inspections—>搜索commented out code,如图 达到这个位置后,可以直接取消红框中的勾选,也可以改变另一个红框中的警报等级。 其实同理可以改变另外一些相似的警报,在inspections中搜索然后改变相应的选项即可。

Android Reports comments that contain Java code. Usually code that is commented out

告警信息Reports comments that contain Java code. Usually code that is commented out gets outdated very fast and becomes misleading. As most of the projects use some kind of version control system, it is b

IDEA “Commented out code (3 lines) ” 怎么解决

IDEA “Commented out code (3 lines) ” 怎么解决。 File > Setting > Code Style > Inspections 把“Duplicated code fragment” 的对钩取消之后就可以了。