
B. Chemical table

Innopolis University scientists continue to investigate the periodic table. There are n·m known elements and they form a periodic table: a rectangle with n rows and m columns. Each element can be desc

Cayman Chemical--TR-FRET 分析试剂盒

Cayman TR-FRET分析试剂盒专为使用均相TR-FRET技术高通量定量测量细胞培养上清中待测物浓度或高通量筛选设计,为客户提供了一种强大且易于使用的检测方案。 TR-FRET分析法结合了荧光共振能量转移与时间分辨荧光两种技术,以带有铕(Eu3+)螯合物标记的结合伴侣(binding partner)作为供体分子,以用小分子染料标记的第二种结合伴侣作为受体分子,当供体与受体

【Chemical Science-2020】GGM: Scaffold-based molecular design with a graph generative model

用图生成模型生成基于scaffold的分子 paper:Scaffold-based molecular design with a graph generative model - Chemical Science (RSC Publishing) code:GitHub - jaechanglim/GGM: graph generative model for molecule  cod

PMC Group International 宣布收购Copperhead Chemical Company

新泽西州芒特劳雷尔--(美国商业资讯)--PMC Group Companies旗下独立分支PMC Group International, Inc.宣布从多位前所有者手中收购Cobra Investments Management Inc.及其两家子公司——Copperhead Chemical Company Inc. (“Copperhead”)和Copperhead Investments

IJCAI2023 | A Systematic Survey of Chemical Pre-trained Models(化学小分子预训练模型综述)

IJCAI_A Systematic Survey of Chemical Pre-trained Models 综述资料汇总(更新中,原文提供):GitHub - junxia97/awesome-pretrain-on-molecules: [IJCAI 2023 survey track]A curated list of resources for chemical pre-traine