

[1]反转字符串 #include "stdafx.h" void reverse(char *str) { char *end =str; char tmp;  if(str){   while(*end){    end++;   }   end--;   while(str<end){    tmp= *str;    *str++=*end;    *end--=tmp;   }

Learning: a Lifelong Career 学习:一生的事业

很喜欢这篇文章,有空的话,我要把他背下来. Learning: a Lifelong Career As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we sho

What Are Your Career Expectations?

What Are Your Career Expectations? June 19, 2013 Was there a time in your life wherein you were expecting for something and it did not happen? It could be a pay raise or a promotion that you ha

Step-By-Step Plan For A Career Change

Step-By-Step Plan For A Career Change January 28, 2007 Changing a career at the midpoint of anyone’s life is a vital and critical point in everyone’s working life. Everyone undergoes a career s

Programming career

纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。 编程没有黑魔法,所有的东西都是人为设计的,总有一天你会弄明白所有的细节。 学底层,无论什么新技术,都是对底层的封装。 项目关键源码写成技术文档,写过的脚本,用过的工具归类保存。(时间长不用会忘) 保持好奇心,坚持学习。