
Efficient Batched Oblivious Transfer Protocol

参考文献: Beaver, D. 1996. “Correlated Pseudorandomness and the Complexity of Private Computations”. In: 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing. ACM Press. 479–488.Ishai, Y., J. Kilian, K. Niss

Efficient Batched Oblivious PRF with Applications to Private Set Intersection

《Efficient Batched Oblivious PRF with Applications to Private Set Intersection》(KKRT16)这篇论文是从运行效率上针对IKNP03-OTE的一个改变,通过将纠错码改为伪随机编码实现1-out-of-∞ OTE,避免了OT数量与元素的大小相关。 与本篇论文相关的还有另外两篇《SpOT-Light: Lightweig