用新创建的料号创建采购订单的时候遇到类似下面的错误: Vendor code “Vendor number” is not authorized for “item number”http://community.dynamics.com/ax/b/daxbeginners/archive/2014/06/11/vendor-code-vendor-number-is-not-autho
问题描述 使用STS临时授权的方式可以操作OSS实现上传、下载等功能,在使用代码实现授权时出现以下报错。 Error message: You are not authorized to do this action. You should be authorized by RAM. 问题原因 出现报错存在的部分原因如下: 原因一:代码中使用的AccessKey和AccessKeySec
STS使用Node.js SDK(其他语言SDK也类似)生成临时账号密码报错的信息如下所示: Error message: You are not authorized to do this action. You should be authorized by RAM. 原因: 因为进行授权的RAM用户没有相应的权限,因此使用时系统会报错。 解决方案: 为RAM用户添加系统策略(Aliy
访问禅道时报错 this server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21166937 1、The svrconn channel which u r using to connect will have one acl file to that file we need to add ips 2、give the permission to the qu