1. 理想化的cursor关闭
1 2 3 4 | // Sample Code Cursor cursor = db.query(); List<String> list = convertToList(cursor); cursor.close(); |
2. Cursor未关闭的可能
(1). cursor.close()之前发生异常。
(2). cursor需要继续使用,不能马上关闭,后面忘记关闭了。
3. Cursor.close()之前发生异常
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | try { Cursor c = queryCursor(); int a = c.getInt( 1 ); ...... // 如果出错,后面的cursor.close()将不会执行 ...... c.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | Cursor c; try { c = queryCursor(); int a = c.getInt(1); ...... // 如果出错,后面的cursor.close()将不会执行 //c.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { if (c != null ) { c.close(); } } |
4. Cursor需要继续使用,不能马上关闭
1 2 3 4 5 6 | mCursor = getContentResolver().query(CONTENT_URI, PROJECTION, null , null , null ); mAdapter = new MyCursorAdapter( this , R.layout.list_item, mCursor); setListAdapter(mAdapter); // 这里就不能关闭执行mCursor.close(), // 否则list中将会无数据 |
5. 这样的Cursor应该什么时候关闭呢?
1 2 3 4 5 6 | @Override protected void onStop() { super .onStop(); // mCursorAdapter会释放之前的cursor,相当于关闭了cursor mCursorAdapter.changeCursor( null ); } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 | /** * Change the underlying cursor to a new cursor. If there is an existing cursor it will be * closed. * * @param cursor The new cursor to be used */ public void changeCursor(Cursor cursor) { Cursor old = swapCursor(cursor); if (old != null ) { old.close(); } } /** * Swap in a new Cursor, returning the old Cursor. Unlike * {@link #changeCursor(Cursor)}, the returned old Cursor is <em>not</em> * closed. * * @param newCursor The new cursor to be used. * @return Returns the previously set Cursor, or null if there wasa not one. * If the given new Cursor is the same instance is the previously set * Cursor, null is also returned. */ public Cursor swapCursor(Cursor newCursor) { if (newCursor == mCursor) { return null ; } Cursor oldCursor = mCursor; if (oldCursor != null ) { if (mChangeObserver != null ) oldCursor.unregisterContentObserver(mChangeObserver); if (mDataSetObserver != null ) oldCursor.unregisterDataSetObserver(mDataSetObserver); } mCursor = newCursor; if (newCursor != null ) { if (mChangeObserver != null ) newCursor.registerContentObserver(mChangeObserver); if (mDataSetObserver != null ) newCursor.registerDataSetObserver(mDataSetObserver); mRowIDColumn = newCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow( "_id" ); mDataValid = true ; // notify the observers about the new cursor notifyDataSetChanged(); } else { mRowIDColumn = - 1 ; mDataValid = false ; // notify the observers about the lack of a data set notifyDataSetInvalidated(); } return oldCursor; } |
6. 实战AsyncQueryHandler中Cursor的关闭问题
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 | private final class ThreadListQueryHandler extends AsyncQueryHandler { public ThreadListQueryHandler(ContentResolver contentResolver) { super (contentResolver); } @Override protected void onQueryComplete( int token, Object cookie, Cursor cursor) { switch (token) { case THREAD_LIST_QUERY_TOKEN: mListAdapter.changeCursor(cursor); setTitle(mTitle); ... ... break ; case HAVE_LOCKED_MESSAGES_TOKEN: long threadId = (Long)cookie; confirmDeleteThreadDialog( new DeleteThreadListener(threadId, mQueryHandler, ConversationList. this ), threadId == - 1 , cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0 , ConversationList. this ); break ; default : Log.e(TAG, "onQueryComplete called with unknown token " + token); } } } @Override protected void onStop() { super .onStop(); mListAdapter.changeCursor( null ); } |
(1). THREAD_LIST_QUERY_TOKEN分支的Cursor正确关闭了吗?
(1). THREAD_LIST_QUERY_TOKEN分支的Cursor被传递到了mListAdapter了,而mListAdapter在onStop里面使用changeCursor(null),当用户离开当前Activity,这个Cursor被正确关闭了,不会泄露。
(2). HAVE_LOCKED_MESSAGES_TOKEN分支的Cursor(就是参数cursor),只是作为一个判断的一个条件,被使用后不再使用,但是也没有关掉,所以cursor泄露,在StrictMode监视下只要跑到这个地方都会抛出这个错误:
1 2 3 4 | E/StrictMode(639): A resource was acquired at attached stack trace but never released. See java.io.Closeable for information on avoiding resource leaks. E/StrictMode(639): java.lang.Throwable: Explicit termination method 'close' not called E/StrictMode(639): at dalvik. system .CloseGuard. open (CloseGuard.java:184) ... ... |
在Android4.0 JellyBean中谷歌修正了这个泄露问题,相关代码如下:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | private final class ThreadListQueryHandler extends ConversationQueryHandler { public ThreadListQueryHandler(ContentResolver contentResolver) { super (contentResolver); } @Override protected void onQueryComplete( int token, Object cookie, Cursor cursor) { switch (token) { case THREAD_LIST_QUERY_TOKEN: mListAdapter.changeCursor(cursor); ... ... break ; case UNREAD_THREADS_QUERY_TOKEN: // 新增的UNREAD_THREADS_QUERY_TOKEN分子和HAVE_LOCKED_MESSAGES_TOKEN分支也是类似的情况,cursor在jellybean中被及时关闭了 int count = 0 ; if (cursor != null ) { count = cursor.getCount(); cursor.close(); } mUnreadConvCount.setText(count > 0 ? Integer.toString(count) : null ); break ; case HAVE_LOCKED_MESSAGES_TOKEN: @SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" ) Collection<Long> threadIds = (Collection<Long>)cookie; confirmDeleteThreadDialog( new DeleteThreadListener(threadIds, mQueryHandler, ConversationList. this ), threadIds, cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0 , ConversationList. this ); // HAVE_LOCKED_MESSAGES_TOKEN分支中的cursor在jellybean中被及时关闭了 if (cursor != null ) { cursor.close(); } break ; default : Log.e(TAG, "onQueryComplete called with unknown token " + token); } } } @Override protected void onStop() { super .onStop(); mListAdapter.changeCursor( null ); } |
是不是小看了AsyncQueryHandler,谷歌在早期的版本里面都有一些这样的代码,更何况不注意的我们呢,实际上网上很多使用AsyncQueryHandler举例中都犯了这个错误,看完这篇文章后,以后再也不怕AsyncQueryHandler的cursor泄露了,还说不定能解决很多你现在应用的后台strictmode的cursor not close异常问题。
7. 小结