How to send pull request on Git

2024-05-12 05:58
文章标签 git request send pull

本文主要是介绍How to send pull request on Git,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Both Git (the software) and GitHub (the web service) have a concept called "pull request", and unfortunately they are not exactly the same thing.

Native Git

The native Git request-pull command has a very short manual page with the following one-sentence description:

Summarizes the changes between two commits to the standard output, and includes the given URL in the generated summary.

This is a fairly low-level command that generates a short summary of changes that is suitable for posting to a mailing list. Other users can use the URL published in this "pull request" to manually pull changes into their own repository.

GitHub Pull Requests

When using the GitHub web service, a Pull Request is a full-featured interactive collaboration tool. A GitHub pull request has:

  • a more detailed description of the changes than just the individual commit summaries
  • notifications automatically sent to users who have chosen to watch the project
  • an online review interface where others can comment on proposed changes
  • discussion comments for recording conversations about commits
  • central management of pull requests so they won't get lost

It is worth noting that Linus has his own opinion on the relative utility of these two features.


The two "pull request" features described above are similar in spirit but completely different in implementation. In particular, the git request-pull command cannot be used to create a new Pull Request on GitHub. You have several choices if you want to support "pull request" type functionality:

  • Use GitHub. This definitely involves the least effort, but if your project is not public you'll have to pay GitHub to host a private repository. Some people might not be comfortable with this choice.
  • Use Gerrit. Gerrit is an open-source server program you can download that provides many features similar to those available in GitHub. It is especially well suited to collaborative code reviews.
  • Use git request-pull and a mailing list. Using this method requires a lot more discipline from your engineers, as it's easy to misplace or mishandle mailing list messages. There is no central accountability associated with this method.

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取得 Git 仓库 —— Git 学习笔记 04

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Git 的特点—— Git 学习笔记 02

文章目录 Git 简史Git 的特点直接记录快照,而非差异比较近乎所有操作都是本地执行保证完整性一般只添加数据 参考资料 Git 简史 众所周知,Linux 内核开源项目有着为数众多的参与者。这么多人在世界各地为 Linux 编写代码,那Linux 的代码是如何管理的呢?事实是在 2002 年以前,世界各地的开发者把源代码通过 diff 的方式发给 Linus,然后由 Linus