本文主要是介绍mybatis if choose ifelse 使用,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
以下内容为mybatis查询数据库的时候,使用 if else 判断
<if test="seat_no != null and seat_no != '' "> AND seat_no = #{seat_no} </if>
个人没有找到 mybatis 中使用 if else 的情况,所以使用了 choose when 来替代
<choose><when test="……">……</when><otherwise>……</otherwise></choose>
<select id="qryMultiRecords"parameterType="com.hundsun.cloudtrade.match.dto.req.QryHoldReq"resultType="com.hundsun.cloudtrade.match.domain.DayHoldDomain">SELECT firm_account ,seat_no ,stock_account ,exchange_type ,stock_name ,stock_code ,amount ,market_value ,position_str <choose><!-- 查询历史持仓表 --><when test="hold_date != null and hold_date != '' ">,hold_date FROM tb_history_hold</when><!-- 查询当日持仓 --><otherwise>,'' hold_date FROM tb_day_hold</otherwise></choose>WHERE firm_account = #{firm_account}<if test="seat_no != null and seat_no != '' "> AND seat_no = #{seat_no} </if> <if test="exchange_type != null and exchange_type != '' "> AND exchange_type = #{exchange_type} </if> <if test="stock_account != null and stock_account != '' "> AND stock_account = #{stock_account} </if> <if test="position_str != null and position_str != '' "> AND position_str = #{position_str} </if> ORDER BY stock_code DESC<if test="req_number != null and req_number != '' "> LIMIT 0,#{req_number}</if>;</select>
这篇关于mybatis if choose ifelse 使用的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!