
2024-05-03 22:36



I’m angry.

And I’m angry because I wish I knew this when I was younger. So I am an neuroscientist /神经学家/and a lecturer.

As a neuroscientist , I study the brain and the nerves that span out into the body /遍布人体的神经/.

As a lecturer , I teach the next generation of healthcare professionals /下一代的医护人员/.

And look , I see some students struggle with their learning ,especially the older ones , but it’s not their fault . You know we don’t get taught how to learn.

We just kind of expect it to happen.And I think the worst curse of all /最糟糕的是/ really is it gets harder to learn as we age.

But if I told you that there are things that we can do too learn more faster and more effectively/有效/?

I’m going to take you through the neuroscience/神经学/ behind six critical ingredients /6个关键成分/ that can help you learn faster :

attention , alertness , sleep , repetition , breaks and mistakes .

Now , first thing first.

How do we actually learn?We need neuroplasticity /神经可塑性/ to happen.

So neuroplasticity /神经可塑性/ is the scientific term /专业词汇/ that essentially means our brain’s ability to physically change in response to experience . /大脑通过经验进行物质变化的能力/

So, when we’re learning something , whether it’s learning information or learning a skill, tiny connections called synapses /突触/ form between neighbouring neurons /神经元/ in the brain .

And the more we do that thing, whether it’s information or a skill , the more robust those connections become and the better we get at doing whatever it is.

Now , what you’re looking at here are two neurons that I filmed in a petri dish connecting /我在培养皿里拍的两个正在连接的神经元/.

Actually , this was a petri dish that I was about to throw away , but I saw they were about to connect, so I quickly took this video .

Now , these incredible handlike structures here are called “growth cones /生长锥/” And every neuron has one .

They actively sense the environment around , and they help each and every one of the 86 billion neurons in your brain find the correct place to connect to.

And this isn’t learning . This doesn’t represent learning . What it represents is how our brain wires itself during development.


Now , when things go wrong with that writing process or when it doesn’t happen in the usual way ,you can end up with things like issues with learning and memory .

Now , kids are a little bit like sponges /海绵/ ,right? They just seem to need to be exposed to stuff and they seem to remember it.

Languages , skills , sports , whatever it is , the learning just happens really quickly.

Now , have you ever met someone who’s incredibly talented , and you just thought , “Okay, they must have some magic thing about them that the rest of us don’t have.”

Well , what if I told you that that’s probably not true?It mostly comes down to practice , perseverance , and when in development , they started learning that skill .

So the earlier , the better .

And people like Serena Williams and Beethoven , they weren’t born with their skills .

They practiced , and they all actually started by age five .

So ,really , our ability to learn goes downhill after age five , but it certainly gets harder through our childhood , through our teens . And once we hit our mid-twenties, it gets exponentially harder to learn .

But the good news is I’m going to tell you what you can do about it because there are things you can do .

You can use attention , alertness , sleep ,repetition , breaks , and mistakes to make your learning better.

So first things .In order to learn , we need to pay attention , right? Attention is a really important function .

So , for example , if I were to ask you to close your eyes and focus on your contact between your feet and the floor , you’ll suddenly be aware of maybe the texture of your socks , maybe how tight your shoes are , maybe how firm the floor is .

And you weren’t aware of any of that a second ago . And what that means is that we have the ability to choose how much attention we pay to something. And studies have shown that when we are fully focused on a task ,

we are much more likely to retain that information , especially for the long term .

Now , until the last little blip in human history , we have never had to work this hard to pay attention .

Like ,let’s be honest , how many times do you find yourself rereading or replaying something because you got a bit distracted?

Right ?

We are designed to focus on one thing at a time . There’s no secret that the frequent context switching that happens when we use social media , so scrolling through our phones and seeing lots of different bits of completely unrelated bits of information like news , ads ,you know ,cat videos .

That’s results in significantly measurable attention deficits . So I’m not saying it cause ADHD /注意缺陷多动障碍/ ,but studies have shown that if you use your phone for more than an hour in teens , that results in these attention deficits/缺陷/.

So try and use your phone a little bit less.

Now , if you wanted to improve your attention in the long term , there are things like focused attention meditation/专注冥想/ that you can do to improve that.

And if you wanted to improve your attention in the really short term , well , you can actually just exercise .

I know you’re thinking : ‘’Oh, well, my doctor always says I have to exercise and eat well.’’

But hear me out for a second. Did you know that exercise can actually increase the size of the part of your brain involved in learning and memory?

It also helps you make new brain cells .

And studies have shown that regular exercise improves memory . It improves cognition /认知/,so your ability to think .

And just 20 minutes of moderate exercise - so not even , you know ,intense exercise - that will actually improve your attention for about two hours afterwards .

So here’s what you should do : if you’re sitting down to study , go for a jog, do some star jumps.It’s even better if you challenge your balance .

If you’re at work , run up and down the stairs . There’re lots of things that you can do to make this happen .

Next we have , alertness.

In order to learn , you’ve got to be alert ,right?

It’s not rocket science . But here’s the thing .If you are not fully focused on a task , then you’re going to have a harder time retaining that information .

Activating our body’s fight-or-flight system or activating our sympathetic nervous system ,as it’s also known, results in the release of things like adrenaline /肾上腺素/ and noradrenaline /去肾上腺素 /, and amongst other things , that will increase our alertness .

So what are some other things that we can do to increase our fight-or-flight system?

Because obviously , we can’t go around blasting air horns all the time .

Well, again ,exercise - a bit of a recurring theme here .

You can do certain breathing techniques like Wim Hof breathing .

You can even end your shower with a bit of a cold blast of water because that will certainly make you feel very alert .

And we also know that stress will do the same thing .

So we know that if you sit down to learn after a small stressor like this , for example - that will enhance your learning .

So what can you do ? You can have too much stress though ,as you can see that I’m experiencing right now .

So when you have been experiencing long-term stress or chronic/慢性/ stress , it physically changes our brain , and it causes issues with learning and memory .

So if you have been experiencing stress for a long period time , you will have impairments in memory .

It is that simple , so do be kind to yourself . But little bit stress are good . They actually help you reach peak performance . And we know that having a little bit of an increase in adrenaline after a learning task will actually enhance your learning as well.

Now you can also ingest substances to enhance your alertness , things like caffeine.

And there’s a growing body of evidence now that shows that having caffeine before learning task or actually just being a regular caffeine drinker can enhance your learning and memory through a range of different mechanisms in the brain .





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