今天结束了,仍然在看 《Programming with posix threads》这本书,关于线程的取消。本来想总结一下线程推迟取消 异步取消 以及清除这些概念,发现有个人总结的特别的好,链接拉过来给大家看一下。
我产生了些困惑,在这部分取消工作当中。为什么下标是从team->join_i 开始的呢?
一开始我这么想的,thread_routine 创建转包线程完成一次对每个线程执行pthread_join. 在接到取消信号的时正好执行对某个的pthread_join的取消点,剩余没有join的线程就被清理掉了,但是,就是已经join的线程就不需要清理吗。我之所以会这么问,当时并不清楚join函数执行是阻塞的 。查一下pthread_join的文档就应该知道,这个函数是阻塞调用的,一旦返回就说明程序已经结束了,也就没有了清理的必要。
每次我试图告诉你发现某个接口的秘密,就会突然发现,文档已经写得很完美了,尤其对于这种比较成熟的库而言。比如pthread_join的文档告诉你函数返回保证了什么,join同一个线程两次对不对,不能join的线程是怎么样的。什么样的线程是joinable的,调用joinable的线程被取消被joinable的线程会怎么样。都告诉你了, 所以还是遇到问题首选看文档啊:
同样的, pthread_cancel 文档也会告诉你很多
void *worker_routine1 (void *arg)
{int counter;for (counter = 0; ; counter++;counter < 1000000)if ((counter % 1000) == 0)pthread_testcancel ();
在创建前3个线程的时候用worker_routine1() , 后面的线程用work_routine(). 这样在取消的时候前20个线程已经终止了。所以clean up 的时候只需要清理还没有被join的函数就可以了。结果是从下标3开始取消的。
/** cancel_subcontract.c** Demonstrate how a thread can handle cancellation and in turn* cancel a set of worker ("subcontractor") threads.** Special notes: On a Solaris 2.5 uniprocessor, this test will* hang unless an LWP is created for each worker thread by* calling thr_setconcurrency(), because threads are not* timesliced.*/
#include <pthread.h>
#include "errors.h"#define THREADS 5/** Structure that defines the threads in a "team".*/
typedef struct team_tag {int join_i; /* join index */pthread_t workers[THREADS]; /* thread identifiers */
} team_t;/** Start routine for worker threads. They loop waiting for a* cancellation request.*/
void *worker_routine (void *arg)
{int counter;for (counter = 0; ; counter++)if ((counter % 1000) == 0)pthread_testcancel ();
}/** Cancellation cleanup handler for the contractor thread. It* will cancel and detach each worker in the team.*/
void cleanup (void *arg)
{team_t *team = (team_t *)arg;int count, status;for (count = team->join_i; count < THREADS; count++) {status = pthread_cancel (team->workers[count]);if (status != 0)err_abort (status, "Cancel worker");status = pthread_detach (team->workers[count]);if (status != 0)err_abort (status, "Detach worker");printf ("Cleanup: cancelled %d\n", count);}
}/** Thread start routine for the contractor. It creates a team of* worker threads, and then joins with them. When cancelled, the* cleanup handler will cancel and detach the remaining threads.*/
void *thread_routine (void *arg)
{team_t team; /* team info */int count;void *result; /* Return status */int status;for (count = 0; count < THREADS; count++) {status = pthread_create (&team.workers[count], NULL, worker_routine, NULL);if (status != 0)err_abort (status, "Create worker");}pthread_cleanup_push (cleanup, (void*)&team);for (team.join_i = 0; team.join_i < THREADS; team.join_i++) {status = pthread_join (team.workers[team.join_i], &result);if (status != 0)err_abort (status, "Join worker");}pthread_cleanup_pop (0);return NULL;
}int main (int argc, char *argv[])
{pthread_t thread_id;int status;#ifdef sun/** On Solaris 2.5, threads are not timesliced. To ensure* that our threads can run concurrently, we need to* increase the concurrency level to at least 2 plus THREADS* (the number of workers).*/DPRINTF (("Setting concurrency level to %d\n", THREADS+2));thr_setconcurrency (THREADS+2);
#endifstatus = pthread_create (&thread_id, NULL, thread_routine, NULL);if (status != 0)err_abort (status, "Create team");sleep (5);printf ("Cancelling...\n");status = pthread_cancel (thread_id);if (status != 0)err_abort (status, "Cancel team");status = pthread_join (thread_id, NULL);if (status != 0)err_abort (status, "Join team");