
2024-05-02 18:08


1.       本文介绍的方法通过网络及保存模拟器状态将WinCE5.0模拟器连接到VS2005,而非使用ActiveDync,通讯端口,或不存在的通讯电缆。
"C:/Program Files/Windows CE 5.0 Emulator/Emulator_500.exe" nk.cem
/video 640x480x16
/Ethernet virtualswitch
/sharedfolder "C:/CE5SharedFolder"
共享文件夹作为/My Device/Storage Card出现在模拟器中。使用此共享文件夹将主机中/Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/CoreCon/1.0/Target/wce400/x86(或类似路径)中的文件拷贝到模拟器的/My Device/Windows/ 文件夹中

2.       依次选择 模拟器 -> 开始菜单 -> 运行 -> /Windows/conmanclient2.exe,点击OK。

3.       双击右下角T形网络符号获取模拟器的IP地址。如果找不到IP地址,试着在主机上安装Microsoft Loopback Adapter,并检查Virtual Machine Network Services或其他主机存在的网络问题。(比较麻烦的问题)

4.       在主机命令提示符输入Ping命令测试模拟器的响应。

5.       获取在模拟器上工作的的"Save State":使用"Save State"选项关闭模拟器,然后定位到 主机-> My Documents -> My Virtual Machines

6.       保存的状态文件在一个名称中有花括号包含子串的文件夹中,这种字串被称为GUID,类似以下形式{06A8A448-EB8B-4E0B-8A88-451412A10C66},通过重命名文件夹使名称高亮并复制此GUID。(不要复制文件夹)

7.       接下来在模拟器快捷方式的启动参数中添加类似于以下字串的选项:
    /vmid {06A8A448-EB8B-4E0B-8A88-451412A10C66}

8.       此时快捷方式将从上次保存的状态启动模拟器。备份这个保存状态的文件夹是个好主意。

9.       在主机中启Visual Studio 2005 依次选择 -> 工具 -> 选项 -> 设备工具 -> 设备

10.   然后选择Windows CE 5.0 设备 -> 属性 -> 配置

11.   在”配置TCP/IP传输”对话框,选择”使用指定的IP地址”,并输入在刚才过程中找到的模拟器的地址。

12.   关闭此对话框。

13.   依次选择 模拟器 -> 开始菜单 -> 运行 -> /Windows/ cMaccept.exe,运行此程序并在三分钟内从VS2005连接到模拟器。(注:连接方法 VS2005中选择 工具 -> 连接到设备)

14.   点击启动调试运行你的程序,VS2005会将以下两个cab文件nectcfv2.wce5.x86.cab 和system_SR_enu.cab以及你的程序部署到模拟器中(这个过程会花费一些时间)。

15.   在模拟器中关闭你的程序。

16.   使用"Save State"选项关闭模拟器。

17.   你需要在每次(重新)启动模拟器或VS2005的时候运行cMaccept,但那两个cab文件不需再次部署,同时模拟器地址也应该保持不变。

18.为避免每次运行cMaccept,找到开始菜单中程序->Microsoft Visual Studio 2005->Visual Studio Remote Tools->Remote Registry Editor。

19.在弹出的”Select a Windows Devices”对话框中会出现一个高亮的”Windows CE 5.0 设备”选项。


21.定位到Windows CE 5.0 -> HkLM -> System,并选中。






 Connecting the CE 5.0 emulator to VS2005
 Lewis Williams
 3/10/2007 5:32:12 AM
 Connecting the CE 5.0 Emulator to VS2005

1. This uses the network method and saves the emulator state. It does not use activesync, communications ports or a null modem cable.

Start the emulator using a shortcut command that is something like this:

"C:/Program Files/Windows CE 5.0 Emulator/Emulator_500.exe" nk.cem
/video 640x480x16
/Ethernet virtualswitch
/sharedfolder "C:/CE5SharedFolder"

The shared folder appears on the emulator as /My Device/Storage Card. Using the shared folder, copy the following files to the /My Device/Windows/ folder on the emulator. These files are located on the host at /Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/CoreCon/1.0/Target/wce400/x86, or similar


2. Select Emulator -> Start Menu -> run -> /Windows/conmanclient2.exe.

3. Get the IP address of the emulator by double-clicking on the T networking symbol bottom left. If it has no ip address try installing Microsoft Loopback Adapter on the host, check for Virtual Machine Network Services, or other host networking hacks. (This is the difficult bit).

4. To check that the emulator is responding, on the host type Ping at a DOS prompt.

5. To get "Save State" working on the emulator, shut down the emulator using the "Save State" option. Then navigate to Host -> My Documents -> My Virtual Machines

6. The saved state is in the folder that is named with a curly brackets string similar to {06A8A448-EB8B-4E0B-8A88-451412A10C66} say, and known as a GUID. Attempt to rename this folder so that you can highlight and copy the GUID string itself (not the folder).

7. Then add an option, which is similar to /vmid {06A8A448-EB8B-4E0B-8A88-451412A10C66}, to the emulator shortcut command above.

8. The shortcut should now start the emulator from its saved state. It is a good idea to back up the saved state folder.

9. On the host select Visual Studio 2005 -> Tools -> Options -> Device Tools -> Devices

10. Then select Windows CE 5.0 Device -> Properties -> Configure

11. In the "Configure TCP/IP Transport" dialog box, select "Use specific IP address", and then type the emulator IP address you found above.

12. Close the dialog boxes.

13. Select Emulator -> Start -> run -> /Windows/cMaccept.exe and connect to the emulator from VS2005 within three minutes.

14. Run your application from Start Debugging in VS2005 and VS2005 should deploy the two cab files nectcfv2.wce5.x86.cab and system_SR_enu.cab first (this may take some time), and then your application.

15. Close your application in the emulator (I've had trouble using the Stop button on the host).

16. Shut down the emulator using the "Save State" option.

17. You may need to re-run cMaccept each time you restart the emulator or VS2005, but the cab files should not need to deploy again, and the emulator ip address should remain the same.

18. To avoid cMaccept navigate host -> programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 -> Visual Studio Remote Tools -> Remote Registry Editor

19. In the "Select a Windows Device" dialog box that appears highlight the "Windows CE 5.0 Device" option

20. In the emulator run cMaccept and then immediately click OK in the Remote Registry Editor

21. Highlight Windows CE 5.0 -> HKLM -> System

22. Right click in the right hand pane and select New DWORD value.

23. In the name field type (exactly and without the quotes) "CoreConOverrideSecurity" and set its value to 1

24. Close the editor. Shut down the emulator with Save State.

Lewis Williams





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