Getting started - 英文版 - English Version

2024-05-02 18:04

本文主要是介绍Getting started - 英文版 - English Version,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

    🤗 ApiHug × {Postman|Swagger|Api...} = 快↑ 准√ 省↓

  1. GitHub - apihug/ All abou the Apihug   
  2. 有爱,有温度,有质量,有信任
  3. ApiHug - API design Copilot - IntelliJ IDEs Plugin | Marketplace



This page outlines how you can use ApiHug to create quick demos in 15 minutes.


  1. JDK 17+ OpenJDK or Oracle's
  2. Gradle 8+
  3. IDEA 2022+
  4. ApiHug - API design Copilot

Plugin Install​

  1. File
  2. Settings
  3. Plugin
  4. Search ApiHug
  5. Install & Restart

Project Wizard​

ApiHug - API design Copilot provides a highly friendly and intuitive project template to kickstart your API development. It guides you through step-by-step creation of API projects that adhere to best practices.

01-Start ApiHug Project​

  1. File
  2. New -> Project
  3. ApiHug

02-Project Settings​

  1. Project settings
    1. package
    2. name
    3. description
  2. SDK Settings
    1. version
    2. DB Vendor
    3. Cache
    4. Port

03-Spring Settings​

This is a standard Start Spring configuration:

  1. Select Type
  2. Choice the components for example Spring Web

Eventually click Create -> Open Project to open the project:

04-Start Project​


The SDK version may update while our project goes on. please check them on repository: 


you can update them manually:

  1. YOUR_PROJECT > gradle > libs.versions.toml
  2. apihug = "0.9.2-RELEASE" update to latest version

Follow the IDEA's instruction:

  1. load this project as Gradle, if not please manually reload(check Notification)
  2. two modules demo-app-proto & demo-app should be recognized

  1. Open > 0. Build All
  2. find the command, parse to the Terminal
  3. press Enter to execute
  4. Check the demo-app-proto path main > wire for updates:

  1. Open > 2. Build Stub (Individual)
  2. find the command, parse to the Terminal
  3. press Enter to execute
  4. Check the demo-app path main > stub for updates:

  1. Open > 3. Run Application
  2. find the command, parse to the Terminal
  3. press Enter to execute
  4. Check the log print of demo-app


----------------------------------------------------------Application 'demo-app' is running! Access URLs:Local                             http://localhost:18089/
Profile(s)                        dev
04.4-Check OAS​
  1. copy the url from the console
  2. enter them in the Chrome

ApiHug Tool Window​

ApiHug Tool Window should dock on the right side of the IDE, if not you can also bring it up from the top menu bar: ApiHug > ApiHug Designer:

🥳 Congratulations! You have successfully finished a perfect API development joinery!


During the last 15-minute demo, we went through the typical steps involved in API design and development. These steps often include various trivial tasks that distract us from focusing on the core business logic design. However, with ApiHug, you can leave behind all the tedious and troublesome steps.

ApiHug automates these tasks and generates high-quality designs with a user-friendly and easily understandable structure and code details. In the upcoming lessons, we will delve deeper into exploring the capabilities of ApiHug.

In fact, the techniques used by ApiHug are not entirely new inventions. Platforms like Jhipster, Spring Starter, Grails, and Ruby on Rails have paved the way for similar approaches.

ApiHug builds upon the best practices and lessons learned from these predecessors, making them more practical and straightforward for everyday use. We acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of these platforms in shaping the foundation of ApiHug.

这篇关于Getting started - 英文版 - English Version的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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