[原创]JAAS 实现in Struts Web App,使用XMLPolicy文件,不改变VM安全文件(2)授权

2024-05-01 05:58

本文主要是介绍[原创]JAAS 实现in Struts Web App,使用XMLPolicy文件,不改变VM安全文件(2)授权,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


5. 实现XMLPolicyFile类。

public class XMLPolicyFile extends Policy implements JAASConstants {



      private Document doc = null;


      //private CodeSource noCertCodeSource=null;


       * constructor

       * refresh()


      public XMLPolicyFile(){



      public PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource arg0) {

            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            return null;



       * Creates a DOM tree document from the default XML file or

       * from the file specified by the system property,

       * <code>com.ibm.resource.security.auth.policy</code>.  This

       * DOM tree document is then used by the

       * <code>getPermissions()</code> in searching for permissions.


       * @see javax.security.auth.Policy#refresh()


      public void refresh() {

            FileInputStream fis = null;

            try {      

                  // Set up a DOM tree to query

                  fis = new FileInputStream(AUTH_SECURITY_POLICYXMLFILE);

                  InputSource in = new InputSource(fis);

                  DocumentBuilderFactory dfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();


                  doc = dfactory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(in);

            } catch (Exception e) {


                  throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());

            } finally {

                  if(fis != null) {

                        try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) {}




      public PermissionCollection getPermissions(Subject subject,CodeSource codeSource) {



            ResourcePermissionCollection collection = new ResourcePermissionCollection();


            try {            

                  // Iterate through all of the subjects principals    

                  Iterator principalIterator = subject.getPrincipals().iterator();


                      Principal principal = (Principal)principalIterator.next();                     


                      // Set up the xpath string to retrieve all the relevant permissions

                  // Sample xpath string:  "/policy/grant[@codebase=/"sample_actions.jar/"]/principal[@classname=/"com.fonseca.security.SamplePrincipal/"][@name=/"testUser/"]/permission"

                  StringBuffer xpath = new StringBuffer();











                        NodeIterator nodeIter = XPathAPI.selectNodeIterator(doc, xpath.toString());

                        Node node = null;

                        while( (node = nodeIter.nextNode()) != null ) {


                              CodeSource codebase=getCodebase(node.getParentNode().getParentNode());

                              if (codebase!=null || codebase.implies(codeSource)){

                                    Permission permission = getPermission(node);





            } catch (Exception e) {


                  throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());


                  if(collection != null)

                        return collection;

                  else {

                        // If the permission is not found here then delegate it

                        // to the standard java Policy class instance.

                        Policy policy = Policy.getPolicy();

                        return policy.getPermissions(codeSource);




       * Returns a Permission instance defined by the provided

       * permission Node attributes.


      private Permission getPermission(Node node) throws Exception {         

            NamedNodeMap map = node.getAttributes();

            Attr attrClassname = (Attr) map.getNamedItem("classname");

            Attr attrName = (Attr) map.getNamedItem("name");                             

            Attr attrActions = (Attr) map.getNamedItem("actions");                             

            Attr attrRelationship = (Attr) map.getNamedItem("relationship");                         


            if(attrClassname == null)

                  throw new RuntimeException();


            Class[] types = null;

            Object[] args = null;


            // Check if the name is specified

            // if no name is specified then because

            // the types and the args variables above

            // are null the default constructor is used.

            if(attrName != null) {

                  String name = attrName.getValue();


                  // Check if actions are specified

                  // then setup the array sizes accordingly

                  if(attrActions != null) {

                        String actions = attrActions.getValue();


                        // Check if a relationship is specified

                        // then setup the array sizes accordingly                        

                        if(attrRelationship == null) {

                              types = new Class[2];

                              args = new Object[2];

                        } else {

                              types = new Class[3];

                              args = new Object[3];

                              String relationship = attrRelationship.getValue();

                              types[2] = relationship.getClass();

                              args[2] = relationship;



                        types[1] = actions.getClass();                 

                        args[1] = actions;


                  } else {

                        types = new Class[1];

                        args = new Object[1];        



                  types[0] = name.getClass();

                  args[0] = name;                                                  




            String classname = attrClassname.getValue();

            Class permissionClass = Class.forName(classname);

            Constructor constructor = permissionClass.getConstructor(types);

            return (Permission) constructor.newInstance(args);                                                                                       





       * Returns a CodeSource object defined by the provided

       * grant Node attributes.


      private java.security.CodeSource getCodebase(Node node) throws Exception {         

            Certificate[] certs = null;

            URL location;



            if(node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("grant")) {

                  NamedNodeMap map = node.getAttributes();



                  Attr attrCodebase = (Attr) map.getNamedItem("codebase");

                  if(attrCodebase != null) {

                        String codebaseValue = attrCodebase.getValue();

                        location = new URL(codebaseValue);

                        return new CodeSource(location,certs);



            return null;




public class PrincipalUser implements Principal {



    private String name;





     * @param name the name for this principal.


     * @exception InvalidParameterException if the <code>name</code>

     * is <code>null</code>.


    public PrincipalUser(String name) {

            if (name == null)

               throw new InvalidParameterException("name cannot be null");

            //search role of this name.

            this.name = name;





     * Returns the name for this <code>PrincipalUser</code>.


     * @return the name for this <code>PrincipalUser</code>


    public String getName() {

            return name;







    public int hashCode() {

            return name.hashCode();





public class ResourcePermission extends Permission {


      static final public String OWNER_RELATIONSHIP = "OWNER";

      static private int READ    = 0x01;

      static private int WRITE   = 0x02;

      static private int EXECUTE = 0x04;

      static private int CREATE  = 0x08;

      static private int DELETE  = 0x10;

      static private int DEPLOY  = 0x16;

      static private int CONFIRM = 0x24;

      static final public String READ_ACTION    = "read";

      static final public String WRITE_ACTION   = "write";

      static final public String EXECUTE_ACTION = "execute";

      static final public String CREATE_ACTION  = "create";

      static final public String DELETE_ACTION  = "delete";

      static final public String DEPLOY_ACTION  = "deploy";

      static final public String CONFIRM_ACTION = "confirm";

      protected int mask;

      protected Resource resource;

      protected Subject subject;


       * Constructor for ResourcePermission


      public ResourcePermission(String name, String actions, Resource resource, Subject subject) {


            this.resource = resource;

            this.subject = subject;








       * @see Permission#getActions()


      public String getActions() {

            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();



            if( (mask & READ) == READ )


            if( (mask & WRITE) == WRITE ) {

                  if(buf.length() > 0)

                        buf.append(", ");



            if( (mask & EXECUTE) == EXECUTE ) {

                  if(buf.length() > 0)

                        buf.append(", ");



            if( (mask & CREATE) == CREATE ) {

                  if(buf.length() > 0)

                        buf.append(", ");



            if( (mask & DELETE) == DELETE ) {

                  if(buf.length() > 0)

                        buf.append(", ");





            return buf.toString();







       * @see Permission#hashCode()


      public int hashCode() {

            StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer(getName());

            return value.toString().hashCode() ^ mask;







       * @see Permission#equals(Object)


      public boolean equals(Object object) {

            if( !(object instanceof ResourcePermission) )        

                  return false;


            ResourcePermission p = (ResourcePermission) object;


            return ( (p.getName().equals(getName())) && (p.mask == mask)  );






       * @see Permission#implies(Permission)


      public boolean implies(Permission permission) {                        

            // The permission must be an instance

            // of the DefaultResourceActionPermission.

            if( !(permission instanceof ResourcePermission) )

                  return false;


            // The resource name must be the same.

            if( !(permission.getName().equals(getName())) )      

                  return false;


            return true;



       * Parses the actions string.  Actions are separated

       * by commas or white space.


      private void parseActions(String actions) {

            mask = 0;        


            if(actions != null) {

                  StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(actions, ",/t ");      

                  while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {

                        String token = tokenizer.nextToken();


                              mask |= READ;

                        else if(token.equals(WRITE_ACTION))

                              mask |= WRITE;

                        else if(token.equals(EXECUTE_ACTION))

                              mask |= EXECUTE;

                        else if(token.equals(CREATE_ACTION))

                              mask |= CREATE;

                        else if(token.equals(DELETE_ACTION))

                              mask |= DELETE;

                        else if(token.equals(DEPLOY_ACTION))

                              mask |= DEPLOY;

                        else if(token.equals(CONFIRM_ACTION))

                              mask |= CONFIRM;


                              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown action: " + token);





       * Gets the resource

       * @return Returns a Resource


      public Resource getResource() {

            return resource;







       * Gets the subject

       * @return Returns a Subject


      public Subject getSubject() {

            return subject;







       * @see Permission#newPermissionCollection()


      public PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection() {

            return new ResourcePermissionCollection();







       * @see Permission#toString()


      public String toString() {

            return getName() + ":" + getActions();







public class ResourcePermissionCollection extends PermissionCollection {


      private Hashtable permissions;


      public ResourcePermissionCollection() {

            permissions = new Hashtable();





       * @see PermissionCollection#elements()


      public Enumeration elements() {


            Hashtable list = new Hashtable();

            Enumeration enum = permissions.elements();

            while(enum.hasMoreElements()) {

                  Hashtable table = (Hashtable) enum.nextElement();



            return list.elements();





       * @see PermissionCollection#implies(Permission)


      public boolean implies(Permission permission) {



            if( !(permission instanceof ResourcePermission) )

                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong Permission type");


            ResourcePermission rcsPermission = (ResourcePermission) permission;

            Hashtable aggregate = (Hashtable) permissions.get(rcsPermission.getName());

            if(aggregate == null)

                  return false;



            Enumeration enum = aggregate.elements();

            while(enum.hasMoreElements()) {

                  ResourcePermission p = (ResourcePermission) enum.nextElement();


                        return true;



            return false;





       * @see PermissionCollection#add(Permission)


      public void add(Permission permission) {


                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Read only collection");


            if( !(permission instanceof ResourcePermission) )

                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong Permission type");


            // Same permission names may have different relationships.

            // Therefore permissions are aggregated by relationship.

            ResourcePermission rcsPermission = (ResourcePermission) permission;



            Hashtable aggregate = (Hashtable) permissions.get(rcsPermission.getName());



                  aggregate = new Hashtable();             


            aggregate.put("none", rcsPermission);                      

            permissions.put(rcsPermission.getName(), aggregate);       






package com.nova.colimas.security.actions;



import java.security.PrivilegedAction;

import com.nova.colimas.data.sql.*;



import com.nova.colimas.data.sql.SQLTBI;



public class DBTURMAction implements PrivilegedAction {



      public Object run() {


            SQLTURM sqltbi=new SQLTURM();


            return null;







 * Created on 2005/07/01


 * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to

 * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates


package com.nova.colimas.security.auth;


 * This interface is used by implementing classes that

 * want to provide class instance authorization.



public interface Resource {





public class SQLTURM implements Resource{



      /* (non-Javadoc)

       * @see com.nova.colimas.data.sql.DAOAction#update(java.lang.Object)


      public boolean update(Object bean) {


      Permission permission = new ResourcePermission("com.nova.colimas.data.sql.SQLTURM", "write", this,Subject.getSubject(java.security.AccessController.getContext()));   



            return true;



10. 实现com.nova.colimas.security.auth.AccessController类获得XMLPolicyFile实例。

package com.nova.colimas.security.auth;



import java.security.AccessControlException;

import java.security.*;



public class AccessController {

      public static void checkPermission(Permission permission)

      throws AccessControlException{

            ResourcePermission perm=(ResourcePermission)permission;

            String policy_class = null;

            XMLPolicyFile policy=null;

            policy_class = (String)java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(

                        new PrivilegedAction() {

                              public Object run() {

                                    return Security.getProperty("policy.provider");



            try {

                  policy = ( XMLPolicyFile)


                  Class permclass=Class.forName(perm.getName());

                  ResourcePermissionCollection rpc=(ResourcePermissionCollection)policy.getPermissions(perm.getSubject(),permclass.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource());

                  if(rpc.implies(perm)) return;

            } catch (Exception e) {



            throw new AccessControlException("Access Deny");






public class LoginAction extends Action {


      LoginContext loginContext=null;

      LoginForm loginForm=null;

      public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,

                   ActionForm form,

                   HttpServletRequest request,

                   HttpServletResponse response)

      throws Exception{



             * 1 get Login form Bean

             * 2 get the value

             * 3 call JAAS Login Module


            try {      


                  loginContext=new LoginContext(JAASConstants.AUTH_SECURITY_MODULENAME, new LoginCallbackHandler(loginForm.getUserID(),loginForm.getPassword()));


            }catch(SecurityException e){


            } catch (LoginException e) {




            // Authenticate the user

            try {



                  Subject.doAs(loginContext.getSubject(),new DBTURMAction() );                             



            } catch (Exception e) {

                  System.out.println("Unexpected Exception - unable to continue");



                  return mapping.findForward("failure");


      return mapping.findForward("success");



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