Ace - Responsive Admin Template

2024-04-30 00:32
文章标签 template admin ace responsive

本文主要是介绍Ace - Responsive Admin Template,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Ace 是一个轻量、功能丰富、HTML5、响应式、支持手机及平板电脑上浏览的管理后台模板,基于CSS框架Bootstrap制作,Bootstrap版本更新至 3.0,Ace – Responsive Admin Template当前最新版!



Ace - Responsive Admin Template
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Ace (v1.2) is a lightweight, feature-rich and easy to use admin template based on Bootstrap 3

Ace Skins

Dear user, to be notified of new updates please:

  • Make sure you are a member at the marketplace, so that you will be notified through email when an update becomes available
  • Subscribe to :
  • Follow me on Twitter :

Also if you have already purchased an older version, you can download the latest approved version here, at no extra cost:

New version (v1.2) released:

  • Upgraded to Bootstrap 3.0.0
  • Some fixes, improvements and updates

New version (v1.1.3) released:

  • Inbox page (more pages)
  • Timeline page with 2 styles (more pages)
  • FAQ page (other pages)
  • jqGrid plugin (tables & grids)
  • jQuery UI re-styling (UI elements)
  • Dropzone.js drag & drop file upload (form elements)
  • Nestable hierarchical list plugin (UI elements)
  • Cookie/localStorage helper to save user selected settings
  • Several fixes, enhancements and updates

New version (v1.1.2) released:

  • Profile page with 3 styles
  • Inline editable plugin with 4 new custom editables (image, wysiwyg, spinner & slider)
  • Tag input
  • Select2
  • RTL (right to left) support
  • Enhancements and bug fixes
  • Updated documentation and examples
  • Updated libraries and plugins

New version (v1.1) released:

  • LESS files added
  • Mustache template files added with support for JS (Mustache.js/Hogan.js) and PHP
  • Wysiwyg editor
  • Markdown editor
  • Treeview element
  • Updated plugins and libraries
  • A few bug fixes and enhancements

The initial release (v1) comes with the following features:

  • 4 Different theme colors
  • Responsive design
  • Documentation
  • HTML pages including:

    • Dashboard with stats, charts and recent events
    • UI elements
    • Buttons
    • Treeview
    • Form elements
    • Wysiwyg editor
    • Wizard
    • Customizable widgets
    • Image gallery
    • Pricing tables
    • Invoice
    • Inbox
    • Timeline
    • FAQ
    • User profile
    • Login, register and forgot password
    • Error 404 and error 500 pages
    • And a few other
  • Custom elements and plugins including:

    • Pure CSS3 checkbox, radio and On/Off switch elements (not available in IE8)
    • File input control
    • Simple color picker
  • Bootstrap, jQuery UI and third party plugins and elements including:

    • jQuery 2.0.3
    • jQuery UI 1.10.3 (Custom Build)
    • Twitter Bootstrap 3.0.0
    • FontAwesome 3.2.1
    • Google "Open Sans" Font
    • jQuery Flot Charts 0.8.1
    • jQuery Sparklines 2.1.2
    • Easy Pie Chart 1.2.5
    • jQuery Knob 1.2.0
    • jQuery Validate 1.11.1
    • FuelUX 2.3.0 (Spinner & Wizard & Treeview)
    • FullCalendar 1.6.4
    • jQuery ColorBox 1.4.27
    • jQuery dataTables 1.9.4
    • jQuery Chosen 1.0
    • jQuery Masked Input 1.3.1
    • jQuery Input Limiter 1.3.1
    • jQuery AutoSize 1.17.7
    • Bootstrap Colorpicker
    • Bootstrap Datepicker
    • Bootstrap Timepicker v0.2.3
    • Bootstrap DateRange Picker 1.2
    • Bootbox.js 4.0.0
    • jQuery Gritter 1.7.4
    • jQuery slimScroll 1.1.1
    • Spin.js 1.3.0
    • jQuery UI Touch Punch 0.2.2
    • Google Code Prettify
    • ExplorerCanvas
    • Mindmup Wysiwyg Editor
    • Toopay Markdown Editor 1.1.4
    • X-editable 1.4.6
    • Select2 3.4.2
    • Bootstrap Tags 2.2.5
    • jQuery Mobile 1.3.2 (Custom Build)
    • jqGrid 4.5.2
    • Dropzone.js 3.0
    • Nestable lists plugin

The following is on to-do list and will be added to Ace in next updates:

  • New features & elements such as :

    • Wysiwyg editor (now available)
    • Treeview (now available)
    • Timeline (now available)
    • Search results
    • Tables with details
    • FAQ page (now available)
    • User profile (now available)
    • Inline editable data (now available)
    • File upload and management
    • Email template
    • Inbox & messages (now available)
    • Misc. page templates
  • Cookie support for saving client-side customizations (now available)

  • RTL Support (now available)
  • Adding LESS files as well as Javascript client-side template files such as Mustache. (now available)

Please note that support is provided via email as mentioned in the documentation page.

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