mkfs.jffs2 参数

2024-04-29 17:08
文章标签 参数 mkfs jffs2

本文主要是介绍mkfs.jffs2 参数,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



mkfs.jffs2: Usage: mkfs.jffs2 [OPTIONS]
Make a JFFS2 file system image from an existing directory tree
-p, --pad[=SIZE] 用16進制來表示所要輸出檔案的大小,也就是root.jffs2 很重要的是, 為了不浪費flash空間, 這個值最好符合flash driver所規劃的區塊大小。如果不足则使用0xff来填充补满。
-r, -d, --root=DIR      指定要做成image的源資料夾.(默认:当前文件夹)
-s, --pagesize=SIZE     节点页大小(默认: 4KiB)
-e, --eraseblock=SIZE   设定擦除块的大小为(默认: 64KiB)
-c, --cleanmarker=SIZE Size of cleanmarker (default 12)
-m, --compr-mode=MODE   Select compressionmode (default: priortiry)
-x, --disable-compressor=COMPRESSOR_NAME
                          Disable acompressor
-X, --enable-compressor=COMPRESSOR_NAME
                          Enable a compressor
-y, --compressor-priority=PRIORITY:COMPRESSOR_NAME
                          Set the priority ofa compressor
-L, --list-compressors Show the list of the avaiable compressors
-t, --test-compression Call decompress and compare with the original (fortest)
-n, --no-cleanmarkers   指明不添加清楚标记(nand flash 有自己的校检块,存放相关的信息。)     如果挂载后会出现类似:
 CLEANMARKER node found at 0x0042c000 has totlen 0xc != normal0x0
                          的警告,则加上-n 就会消失。
-o, --output=FILE       指定輸出image檔案的文件名.(default: stdout)
-l, --little-endian     指定使用小端格式
-b, --big-endian        指定使用大端格式
-D, --devtable=FILE     Use the named FILEas a device table file
-f, --faketime          Change all filetimes to '0' for regression testing
-q, --squash            Squash permissionsand owners making all files be owned by root
-U, --squash-uids       将所有文件的拥有者设为root用户
-P, --squash-perms      Squash permissionson all files
      --with-xattr        stuff all xattrentries into image
      --with-selinux      stuff only SELinuxLabels into jffs2 image
      --with-posix-acl    stuff only POSIXACL entries into jffs2 image
-h, --help              显示这些文字
-v, --verbose           Verbose operation
-V, --version           显示版本
-i, --incremental=FILE Parse FILE and generate appendage output for it




mkfs.jffs2(1)- Linux man page


mkfs.jffs2 - Create a JFFS2 file system image from directory


mkfs.jffs2 [ -p,--pad[=SIZE] ] [ -r,-d,--root directory ] [ -s,--pagesize=SIZE ] [ -e,--eraseblock=SIZE ] [ -c,--cleanmarker=SIZE ] [ -n,--no-cleanmarkers ] [ -o,--output image.jffs2 ] [ -l,--little-endian ] [ -b,--big-endian ] [ -D,--devtable=FILE ] [ -f,--faketime ] [ -q,--squash ] [ -U,--squash-uids ] [ -P,--squash-perms ] [--with-xattr ] [ --with-selinux ] [ --with-posix-acl ] [ -m,--compression-mode=MODE ] [ -x,--disable-compressor=NAME ] [ -X,--enable-compressor=NAME ] [ -y,--compressor-priority=PRIORITY:NAME ] [ -L,--list-compressors ] [ -t,--test-compression ] [ -h,--help ] [ -v,--verbose ] [ -V,--version ] [ -i,--incremental image.jffs2 ]


The program mkfs.jffs2 creates a JFFS2 (SecondJournalling Flash File System) file system image and writes the resulting imageto the file specified by the -o option or by default to the standard output, unless the standardoutput is a terminal device in which case mkfs.jffs2 will abort.

The file system image is createdusing the files and directories contained in the directory specified by theoption-r or the present directory, if the -r option is not specified.

Each block of the files to be placedinto the file system image are compressed using one of the avaiable compressorsdepending on the selected compression mode.

File systems are created with thesame endianness as the host, unless the -b or -l options are specified. JFFS2 driver in the 2.4 Linux kernel onlysupported images having the same endianness as the CPU. As of 2.5.48, thekernel can be changed with a #define to accept images of the non-nativeendianness. Full bi-endian support in the kernel is not planned.

It is unlikely that JFFS2 images areuseful except in conjuction with the MTD (Memory Technology Device) drivers inthe Linux kernel, since the JFFS2 file system driver in the kernel requires MTDdevices.


Options that take SIZE arguments canbe specified as either decimal (e.g., 65536), octal (0200000), or hexidecimal(0x1000).

-p, --pad[=SIZE]

Pad output to SIZE bytes with 0xFF. If SIZE is notspecified, the output is padded to the end of the final erase block.

-r, -d, --root=DIR

Build file system from directory DIR.The default is the current directory.

-s, --pagesize=SIZE

Use page size SIZE. The default is 4KiB. This size is the maximum size of a data node.

-e, --eraseblock=SIZE

Use erase block size SIZE. Thedefault is 64 KiB. If you use a erase block size different than the erase blocksize of the target MTD device, JFFS2 may not perform optimally. If the SIZEspecified is below 4096, the units are assumed to be KiB.

-c, --cleanmarker=SIZE

Write 'CLEANMARKER' nodes with thesize specified. It is not normally appropriate to specify a size other than thedefault 12 bytes.

-n, --no-cleanmarkers

Do not write 'CLEANMARKER' nodes tothe beginning of each erase block. This option can be useful for creating JFFS2images for use on NAND flash, and for creating images which are to be used on avariety of hardware with differing eraseblock sizes.

-o, --output=FILE

Write JFFS2 image to file FILE.Default is the standard output.

-l, --little-endian

Create a little-endian JFFS2 image.Default is to make an image with the same endianness as the host.

-b, --big-endian

Create a big-endian JFFS2 image.Default is to make an image with the same endianness as the host.

-D, --devtable=FILE

Use the named FILE as a device tablefile, for including devices and changing permissions in the created image whenthe user does not have appropriate permissions to create them on the filesystem used as source.

-f, --faketime

Change all file timestamps to '0' forregression testing.

-q, --squash

Squash permissions and owners, makingall files be owned by root and removing write permission for 'group' and'other'.

-U, --squash-uids

Squash owners making all files beowned by root.

-P, --squash-perms

Squash permissions, removing writepermission for 'group' and 'other'.


Enables xattr, stuff all xattrentries into jffs2 image file.


Enables xattr, stuff only SELinuxLabels into jffs2 image file.


Enable xattr, stuff only POSIX ACLentries into jffs2 image file.

-m, --compression-mode=MODE

Set the default compression mode. Thedefault mode is priority which tries the compressors in a predefinied order and chooses thefirst successful one. The alternatives are: none (mkfs will not compress) and size (mkfs will try all compressorand chooses the one which have the smallest result).

-x, --disable-compressor=NAME

Disable a compressor. Use -L to see the list of the avaiablecompressors and their default states.

-X, --enable-compressor=NAME

Enable a compressor. Use -L to see the list of the avaiablecompressors and their default states.

-y, --compressor-priority=PRIORITY:NAME

Set the priority of a compressor.Use -L to see the list of the avaiable compressors and their defaultpriority. Priorities are used by priority compression mode.

-L, --list-compressors

Show the list of the avaiablecompressors and their states.

-t, --test-compression

Call decompress after every compress- and compare the result with the original data -, and some other check.

-h, --help

Display help text.

-v, --verbose

Verbose operation.

-V, --version

Display version information.

-i, --incremental=FILE

Generate an appendage image for FILE.If FILE is written to flash and flash is appended with the output, then itseems as if it was one thing.


JFFS2 limits device major and minornumbers to 8 bits each. Some consider this a bug.

mkfs.jffs2 does not properly handle hard links in the input directorystructure. Currently, hard linked files will be expanded to multiple identicalfiles in the output image.


David Woodhouse
Manual page written by David Schleef <>


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