C++学习笔记:friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &stream, const Date& dt);
using namespace std;class A {
public:A() {password = 1111;birthday = 808;}~A() { }friend int func(A a); // 向c++表示,int func(A a)是我的朋友,所以它可以使用我的所有东西。friend class B; // 向c++表示,class B是我的朋友,所以它可以使用我的所有东西。private:int password;int birthday;
};int func(A a) {cout << a.password << " and " << a.birthday << endl; //可以访问a.password = 1; //甚至可以修改cout << a.password << endl;return 0;
}class B {
public:B() { }~B() { }// 因为在A类中已经声明了B类是它的朋友,所以B类中方法就可以访问A类的私有变量了void show(A a) {cout << "your account is " << a.account << " and with pass: " << a.password << endl;}private:
};int main() {A a;func(a);B b;b.show(a);system("pause");
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运用friend重载 << 或者 >>操作
利用这一点,我们就可以重载<< 或者 >>操作,
using namespace std;class A {
public:A() {password = 1111;account = 808;}~A() { }friend ostream& operator << (ostream &os , A a);private:int password;int account;
};ostream& operator << (ostream &os , A a) {os << "your account is " << a.account << " and with pass: " << a.password << endl;return os;
}int main() {A a;cout << a;system("pause");
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