1. P2Psim: http://www.pdos.lcs.mit.edu/p2psim/
可以模拟chord, koorde, Tapestry等协议,你可以直接拿来用。
2.PLP2P(Packet-level Peer-to-Peer Simulation Framework and
实现了Gnutella 0.4 和 0.6版的协议.
PDNS是NS的分布式版本。 如果要模拟的节点数目很多,在单机上模拟速度慢时,可以使
3.Peersim Peer-to-Peer Simulator
Peer-to-peer systems can reach huge dimensions such as millions of nodes,
which typically join and leave continously. These properties are very
challenging to deal with. Evaluating a new protocol in a real environment,
especially in its early stages of development, is not feasible. There are
distributed planetary-scale open platforms (e.g., PlanetLab) to develop and
deploy network services, but these solutions don't include more than about
440 nodes. Thus, for large-scale systems, a scalable simulation testbed is
Peersim has been developed with extreme scalability and support for
dynamicity in mind. It is composed of many simple extendable and pluggable
components, with a flexible configuration mechanism. To allow for
scalability and focus on self-organization properties of large scale
systems, some simplifying assumpions have been made, such as ignoring the
details of the transport communication protocol stack. Peersim is devolped
within the BISON project and it is distributed under an open source
license. Peersim is written in the Java language.
4.The P2P File-sharing simulator
The P2P File-sharing simulator was designed as an implementation of the
incentive based scheme, based on the contribution of a peer to the entire
system. This scheme is detailed in the paper “Incentive Resource
Distribution in P2P Networks”by Ma, Lee, Lui, and Yau. The simulator
makes use of randomness in order to create events such as new peers
joining the system, a peer leaving the system, the start of downloads, and
the completion of current downloads. The paper details the Progressive
Filling (PF) algorithm, the Contribution Dependent Progressive Filling
(CDPF)algorithm and the Contribution Update algorithm, which are used to
determine a peer’s contribution to the system in order to allocate
bandwidths based on those contributions. Using this incentive based
scheme, the simulator shows how the scheme encourages peers to share
information and resources.
5.其他的如SimP^2 Simulator, 3LS,下载不到。