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【散分】活着为了什么? ( 凤凰 )
2004-10-21 08:19:32
本人在上海. 可以这么说,现在活着就是为了房子。

1) Physiological: hunger, thirst, bodily comforts, etc.;

2) Safety/security: out of danger;

3) Belonginess and Love: affiliate with others, be accepted; and

4) Esteem: to achieve, be competent, gain approval and recognition.

5) Cognitive: to know, to understand, and explore;

6) Aesthetic: symmetry, order, and beauty;

7) Self-actualization: to find self-fulfillment and realize one's potential; and

8) Self-transcendence: to connect to something beyond the ego or to help others find self-fulfillment and realize their potential.


回复人: FengYuanMSFT(袁峰 ( 五星(高级)) 信誉:100 2005-6-5 5:16:30 得分: 0

 > 每天干自己不喜欢的事情,在虚度光阴阿。

It's common that people do not like their jobs. But if you hate your job, then you need to change it. If you like or love your job, consider yourself to be extremely lucky.

I used to have a coworker whose dream was to earn enough to retire, so he can write the software he really likes to write.

> 我非常喜欢编程,原来做过一段时间java程序员(就几个月的时间),

Like programming is not enough. The important thing is whether you're good at programming. If you think you're or could be better 50% of programmers in the market, then you should consider take programming as career.

> 最后因为家里人反对,觉得还是应该在事业单位工作,这样生活有保障,

When you're an adult, you should take control of your own life. You should not let your parents make such important decisions in your life. 生活有保障 is not hard in the current society, so you should aim for some higher.

> 我现在25了,不知道在软件行业还有发展前途吗?

First you have to define what do you mean by 发展前途.

The future of software as a bussiness is very bright, especially in China. The reason is that software bussiness is still growing at a quite high rate. No one is talking about when software bussiness would stop growing. For China, the cost of software development is much lower than in more developed countries. In China, you can hire a software engineer for may be 5000 RMB. In Singapore, it may be 2500 SGD. In US, it may be 4000 to 5000 USD. So more and more software development/testing jobs will be moving to China. And software engineer salary would rise when software development in China is getting more effective.

But whether yourself would have a good future in software development is another matter. It depends on whether you have good training in math, computer science, english, and whether you can find a starting job in software development to move gradually to the state you want to be in.

> 从学校毕业时,我就想以后能当上项目经理,

Job title is not that important. What is important is what kind of contribution are you making to the society, by doing so you also are making a good living.

> 但是由于一些原因,可能是父母思想左右了我吧(他们是为我好的),

Parents can be conservative, selfish, or even not wise too. Live your own life. A life controlled by other people, even your parents, girl friend, or wife is not fun.

People normally say they want democracy. Democracy starts from you, your family, your job, your relationship with people around you. But to let your parents having less control of you, you need to be responsible first, so as to prove to your parents that you've grown up.

> 我尤其热爱java方面的编程,很想以后往J2EE方面的发展。

Setup a goal, devise a realistic plan, take actions and then revisit your goal and plan often to adjust to current situation.

Good luck.


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BUUCTF靶场[web][极客大挑战 2019]Http、[HCTF 2018]admin

目录   [web][极客大挑战 2019]Http 考点:Referer协议、UA协议、X-Forwarded-For协议 [web][HCTF 2018]admin 考点:弱密码字典爆破 四种方法:   [web][极客大挑战 2019]Http 考点:Referer协议、UA协议、X-Forwarded-For协议 访问环境 老规矩,我们先查看源代码


一、HTTP协议 1.1 简要介绍一下HTTP        我们在网络的应用层中可以自己定义协议,但是,已经有大佬定义了一些现成的,非常好用的应用层协议,供我们直接使用,HTTP(超文本传输协议)就是其中之一。        在互联网世界中,HTTP(超文本传输协议)是一个至关重要的协议,他定义了客户端(如浏览器)与服务器之间如何进行通信,以交换或者传输超文本(比如HTML文档)。

如何确定 Go 语言中 HTTP 连接池的最佳参数?

确定 Go 语言中 HTTP 连接池的最佳参数可以通过以下几种方式: 一、分析应用场景和需求 并发请求量: 确定应用程序在特定时间段内可能同时发起的 HTTP 请求数量。如果并发请求量很高,需要设置较大的连接池参数以满足需求。例如,对于一个高并发的 Web 服务,可能同时有数百个请求在处理,此时需要较大的连接池大小。可以通过压力测试工具模拟高并发场景,观察系统在不同并发请求下的性能表现,从而

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Anaconda 中遇到CondaHTTPError: HTTP 404 NOT FOUND for url的问题及解决办法

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0x00 前言 在讨论浏览器优化之前,首先我们先分析下从客户端发起一个HTTP请求到用户接收到响应之间,都发生了什么?知己知彼,才能百战不殆。这也是作为一个WEB开发者,为什么一定要深入学习TCP/IP等网络知识。 0x01 到底发生什么了? 当用户发起一个HTTP请求时,首先客户端将与服务端之间建立TCP连接,成功建立连接后,服务端将对请求进行处理,并对客户端做出响应,响应内容一般包括响应


前段时间用Golang在做一个HTTP的接口,因编译型语言的特性,修改了代码需要重新编译可执行文件,关闭正在运行的老程序,并启动新程序。对于访问量较大的面向用户的产品,关闭、重启的过程中势必会出现无法访问的情况,从而影响用户体验。 使用Golang的系统包开发HTTP服务,是无法支持平滑升级(优雅重启)的,本文将探讨如何解决该问题。 一、平滑升级(优雅重启)的一般思路 一般情况下,要实现平滑

Java http请求示例

使用HttpURLConnection public static String httpGet(String host) {HttpURLConnection connection = null;try {URL url = new URL(host);connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();connection.setReq

3.比 HTTP 更安全的 HTTPS(工作原理理解、非对称加密理解、证书理解)

所谓的协议 协议只是一种规则,你不按规则来就无法和目标方进行你的工作 协议说白了只是人定的规则,任何人都可以定协议 我们不需要太了解细节,这些制定和完善协议的人去做的,我们只需要知道协议的一个大概 HTTPS 协议 1、概述 HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)是一种安全的超文本传输协议,主要用于在客户端和服务器之间安全地传输数据


本系列文章主要对如何制作OpenStack镜像的过程进行描述记录,涉及基本环境准备、常见类型操作系统的镜像制作。 让你可以从零开始安装一个操作系统,并支持个性化制作OpenStack镜像。 CSDN:OpenStack镜像制作教程指导(全) OpenStack镜像制作系列1—环境准备 OpenStack镜像制作系列2—Windows7镜像 OpenStack镜像制作系列3—Windows