Java Email Server

2024-04-24 16:58
文章标签 java server email

本文主要是介绍Java Email Server,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



Java Mail Server is a Java SMTP and POP3 e-mail server. This project was inspired by and based on the CRSMail project written by Calvin Smith. This project exists for everyone who is interested in running their own email server quickly and easily.

Current Version

The current version of Java Email Server is now hosted at here (at SourceForge). Please refer to that page for all release information and documentation regarding the current version.

For more information on the change, read this blog post.

1.x Version

This page continues to host the 1.x development branch, which is in Maintenance Mode.

The goal of JES is to provide an easy to use and reliable email server that can be quickly and easily setup. JES attempts to provide a powerful server using the minimal number of configuration settings and project size.

Using JES as a testing tool? There is now an Eclipse Plug-In for JES. It allows you to start, stop, and configure JES from Eclipse.

If you are ready to start using JES, please see the Download and Install sections below for instructions on downloading and configuration JES. The binary release, and the source code are available for download from the Download section.

Version 1.x is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

You can email me at for 1.x related questions.

Interested in this history of JES? Check out these blog posts: History, Version 2.0 Branch, and Status and Future, and Java Email Server Gets a New Home.


JDK 1.4 is supported by Version 1.6.1 and older, and JDK 1.3 is supported by JES 1.4 and older.

Version 1.6.1

Server -
Source Code and JavaDocs -


To install and run this mail server, complete the following steps:

Install a Java JDK or JRE version 1.4 or greater (
Expand the distribution archive into the desired directory.
Modify the included script files for your local file system (if necessary).
Edit the mail.conf, user.conf and log.conf files. See the Configuration page for details.
Run the mail server script file.

JES can be installed as a Windows NT service. A batch file is included in the bin directory of this distribution. To install JES as a service, open the batch file and edit the properties to match your local system. You can then install and uninstall the service using the -install and -uninstall command line parameters. Once the system is installed, it will be started by default the next time the computer is restarted. To start the service the first time, you can type 'net start JavaEmailServer'.      

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