oracel update

2024-04-22 02:38
文章标签 update oracel

本文主要是介绍oracel update,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

来源  http://it.oyksoft.com/post/641/


SQL 代码
  1. --客户资料表
  2. create table customers
  3. (
  4. customer_id number(8) not null, -- 客户标示
  5. city_name varchar2(10) not null, -- 所在城市
  6. customer_type char(2) not null, -- 客户类型
  7. ...
  8. )
  9. create unique index PK_customers on customers (customer_id)


SQL 代码
  1. create table tmp_cust_city
  2. (
  3. customer_id number(8) not null,
  4. citye_name varchar2(10) not null
  5. customer_type char(2) not null
  6. )

1) 最简单的形式

SQL 代码
  1. --经确认customers表中所有customer_id小于1000均为'北京'
  2. --1000以内的均是公司走向全国之前的本城市的老客户:)
  3. update customers
  4. set city_name='北京'
  5. where customer_id<1000

2) 两表(多表)关联update -- 仅在where字句中的连接

SQL 代码
  1. --这次提取的数据都是VIP,且包括新增的,所以顺便更新客户类别
  2. update customers a -- 使用别名
  3. set customer_type='01' --01 为vip,00为普通
  4. where exists (select 1
  5. from tmp_cust_city b
  6. where b.customer_id=a.customer_id
  7. )

3) 两表(多表)关联update -- 被修改值由另一个表运算而来

SQL 代码
  1. update customers a -- 使用别名
  2. set city_name=(select b.city_name from tmp_cust_city b where b.customer_id=a.customer_id)
  3. where exists (select 1
  4. from tmp_cust_city b
  5. where b.customer_id=a.customer_id
  6. )
  7. -- update 超过2个值
  8. update customers a -- 使用别名
  9. set (city_name,customer_type)=(select b.city_name,b.customer_type
  10. from tmp_cust_city b
  11. where b.customer_id=a.customer_id)
  12. where exists (select 1
  13. from tmp_cust_city b
  14. where b.customer_id=a.customer_id
  15. )

select b.city_name,b.customer_type from tmp_cust_city b
where b.customer_id=a.customer_id )

select 1 from tmp_cust_city b
where b.customer_id=a.customer_id)

SQL 代码
  1. select b.city_name from tmp_cust_city b where b.customer_id=a.customer_id


SQL 代码
  1. 01407, 00000, "cannot update (%s) to NULL"
  2. // *Cause:
  3. // *Action:


SQL 代码
  1. update customers a -- 使用别名
  2. set city_name=nvl((select b.city_name from tmp_cust_city b where b.customer_id=a.customer_id),a.city_name)


SQL 代码
  1. set city_name=nvl((select b.city_name from tmp_cust_city b where b.customer_id=a.customer_id),'未知')

-- 当然这不符合业务逻辑了

4) 上述3)在一些情况下,因为B表的纪录只有A表的20-30%的纪录数,

SQL 代码
  1. set serveroutput on

  2. declare
  3. cursor city_cur is
  4. select customer_id,city_name
  5. from tmp_cust_city
  6. order by customer_id;
  7. begin
  8. for my_cur in city_cur loop

  9. update customers
  10. set city_name=my_cur.city_name
  11. where customer_id=my_cur.customer_id;

  12. /** 此处也可以单条/分批次提交,避免锁表情况 **/
  13. -- if mod(city_cur%rowcount,10000)=0 then
  14. -- dbms_output.put_line('----');
  15. -- commit;
  16. -- end if;
  17. end loop;
  18. end;

5) 关联update的一个特例以及性能再探讨

SQL 代码
  1. update (select a.city_name,b.city_name as new_name
  2. from customers a,
  3. tmp_cust_city b
  4. where b.customer_id=a.customer_id
  5. )
  6. set city_name=new_name

这样能避免对B表或其索引的2次扫描,但前提是 A(customer_id) b(customer_id)必需是unique index或primary key。否则报错:

SQL 代码
  1. 01779, 00000, "cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table"
  2. // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert or update columns of a join view which
  3. // map to a non-key-preserved table.
  4. // *Action: Modify the underlying base tables directly.

回到3)情况,由于某些原因,tmp_cust_city customer_id 不是唯一index/primary key

SQL 代码
  1. update customers a -- 使用别名
  2. set city_name=(select b.city_name from tmp_cust_city b where b.customer_id=a.customer_id)
  3. where exists (select 1
  4. from tmp_cust_city b
  5. where b.customer_id=a.customer_id
  6. )

select b.city_name from tmp_cust_city b where b.customer_id=a.customer_id)

SQL 代码
  1. 01427, 00000, "single-row subquery returns more than one row"
  2. // *Cause:
  3. // *Action:


SQL 代码
  1. update customers a -- 使用别名
  2. set city_name=(select b.city_name from tmp_cust_city b where b.customer_id=a.customer_id and rownum=1)

如何理解 01427 错误,在一个很复杂的多表连接update的语句,经常因考虑不周,出现这个错误,
仍已上述例子来描述,一个比较简便的方法就是将A表代入 值表达式 中,使用
group by
having 字句查看重复的纪录

SQL 代码
  1. (select b.customer_id,b.city_name,count(*)
  2. from tmp_cust_city b,customers a
  3. where b.customer_id=a.customer_id
  4. group by b.customer_id,b.city_name
  5. having count(*)>=2
  6. )

这篇关于oracel update的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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