本文主要是介绍vs2010运行没有“press any key to continue...”,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
在程序后面加一句 system("pause"); 暂时是这样么解决的。
下面这段来自http://linuxmanong.diandian.com/post/2010-06-05/6474282 但是试了没起作用。。
Missing "press any key to continue..." when lauching with CTRL+F5
The following bug, closed as fixed in Visual Studio 2010 RC, is still there:
In my Makefile project, if I start the program without debugging (CTRL+F5), it always (per default) closed the opened console window. I compared my project file to a standard console application project file, and found the following:
Inserting this (using a text editor) under <Project> in my makefile project .vcxproj file solves the problem ... It would make sense that is the default behavior (as it is in my vs2005), or that this could be controlled from the standard project dialog.
这里用图片和中文文字解说一下吧 ,供大家参考也便于我以后的使用
其实这个是在打开的文件的最后,ok了,记下来,你把上面的 蓝色的文字 copy到</Project>的前面保存,就可以了,这样就可以和以前的vs2005/2008一样了。
这篇关于vs2010运行没有“press any key to continue...”的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!