串(字符串)是由0个或多个字符组成的有限序列。0个字符时称为空串。由一个或多个空格组成的串‘ ’称为空格串。串中字符的数目n称为串的长度;串中任意个连续的字符组成的子序列称为该串的字串;包含字串的串相应的称为主串;通常称字符在序列中的序号称为该字符在串中的位置。字串在主串中的位置则以字串的第一个字符在主串中的位置来表示。串相等:只有两个串的长度相等,并且各个对应位置的字符都相等时才相等。
// chars是字符串常量,生成一个其值等于chars的串T
StrAssign(&T, chars)
// 串S存在,由串S复制得串T
StrCopy(&T, S)
// 串S存在,若串S为空,则返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE
// 串S和T存在,若S > T,则返回值 > 0;若S = T,则返回值 = 0;若S < T,则返回值 < 0
StrCompare(S, T)
// 串S存在,返回S的元素个数,称为串的长度
// 串S存在,将S清为空串
// 串S1和S2存在,用T返回由S1和S2联接而成的新串
Concat(&T, S1, S2)
// 串S存在,1 <= pos <= StrLength(S) 且 0 <= len <= StrLength(S) - pos + 1,用Sub返回串S的第pos个字符起长度为len的字串
SubString(&Sub, S, pos, len)
// 串S和T存在,T是非空串,1 <= pos <= StrLength(S) ,若主串S中存在和串T值相同的字串,则返回它的主串S中第pos个字符之后第一次出现的位置;否则函数值为0
Inxdex(S, T, pos)
// 串S,T和V存在,T是非空串;用V替换主串S中出现的所有与T相等的不重叠的字串
Replace(&S, T, V)
// 串S和T存在, 1 <= pos <= StrLength(S) + 1;在串S的第pos个字符之前插入串T。
StrInsert(&S, pos, T)
// 串S存在, 1 <= pos <= StrLength(S) - len +1 ;从串S中删除第pos个字符起长度为len的字串
StrDelete(&s, pos, len)
// 串S存在, 销毁串S
#include #include #include #define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define MAXSTRLEN 255
unsigned char SString[MAXSTRLEN + 1];
typedef int Status;
Status StrAssign(unsigned char T[], char *chars);
Status StrLength(unsigned char S[]);
Status StrCopy(unsigned char T[], unsigned char S[]);
Status StrEmpty(unsigned char S[]);
Status StrCompare(unsigned char T[], unsigned char S[]);
Status Concat(unsigned char T[], unsigned char S1[], unsigned char S2[]);
Status SubString(unsigned char Sub[], unsigned char S[], int pos, int len);
Status Index(unsigned char S[], unsigned char T[], int pos);
//Status ClearString(&S);
//Status Replace(&S, T, V);
//Status StrInsert(&S, pos, T);
//Status StrDelete(&S, pos, len);
//Status DestroyString(&S);
* @:T : the string you want to creat
* @:char *: the string
* return TRUE(success), FALSE(failure)
Status StrAssign(unsigned char T[], char *chars)
int i = 0;
if(strlen(chars) > MAXSTRLEN){
return FALSE;
T[0] = strlen(chars);
for(i = 1; i <= T[0]; i++){
T[i] = *(chars + i - 1);
return TRUE;
*@S:the length you want to test
*return the length of S
Status StrLength(unsigned char S[])
return S[0];
*@S:the string you want to test
*return TRUE:the string is empty
* FALSE:the string is not empty
Status StrEmpty(unsigned char S[])
return S[0] ? FALSE : TRUE;
* @T: the string you want to copy to
* @S: the string you want to copy
Status StrCopy(unsigned char T[], unsigned char S[])
int i = 0;
while(S[i] != '\0')
T[i] = S[i++];
*@T S : the strings you want to compare
*return 0:T=S
* <0:T0:T>S
Status StrCompare(unsigned char T[], unsigned char SString[])
int i = 0;
for(i = 1; i < T[0] && i < SString[0]; ++i){
if(T[i] != SString[i]){
return (T[i] - SString[i]);
return (SString[0] - T[0]);
Status Concat(unsigned char T[], unsigned char S1[], unsigned char S2[])
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
if(S1[0] + S2[0] <= MAXSTRLEN){
for(i = 1; i <= S1[0]; i++){
T[i] = S1[0];
for(i = 1; i<= S2[0]; i++){
T[S1[0] + i] = S2[i];
return TRUE;
for(i = 1; i <= S1[0]; i++){
T[i] = S1[i];
for(i = 1; i <= MAXSTRLEN-S1[0]; i++){
T[S1[0] + i] = S2[i];
return FALSE;
Status SubString(unsigned char Sub[], unsigned char S[], int pos, int len)
int i;
if(pos < 1 || pos > S[0] || len < 0 || len > S[0]-pos+1)
return FALSE;
for(i = 1; i < len; i++)
Sub[i] = S[pos+i-1];
Sub[0] = len;
return TRUE;
Status Index(unsigned char S[], unsigned char T[], int pos)
int i, n, m;
if(pos > 0){
n = StrLength(S);
m = StrLength(T);
i = pos;
while(i <= n-m+1){
if(StrCompare(S, T) != 0) i++;
else return i;
return TRUE;
char *chars = "fakfjaldkf";
unsigned char T[1024];
if(StrAssign(SString, chars))
printf("strassign success.\n");
printf("strassign failure.\n");
printf("the length of string is : %d.\n", StrLength(SString));
printf("the string of is %s.\n", (StrEmpty(SString) ? "empty" : "not empty"));
StrCopy(T, SString);
printf("%d\n",StrCompare(T, SString));
Concat(T, T, SString);
SubString(T, T, 2, 2);
printf("the length of string is : %d.\n", StrLength(T));
Index(SString, T, 0);