Making a Class Schedule Using a Genetic Algorithm 中的fitness函数的解析

2024-04-19 14:32

本文主要是介绍Making a Class Schedule Using a Genetic Algorithm 中的fitness函数的解析,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

genetic algotithm 排课


  • A class can be placed only in a spare classroom
  • No professor or student group can have more then one class at a time.
  • A classroom must have enough seats to accommodate all students.
  • To place a class in a classroom, the classroom must have laboratory equipment (computers, in our case) if the class requires it。


  • Each class can have 0 to 5 points
  • If a class uses a spare classroom, we increment its score.
  • If a class requires computers and it is located in the classroom with them, or it doesn't require them, we increment the score of the class.
  • If a class is located in a classroom with enough available seats, guess what, we increment its score.
  • If a professor has no other classes at the time, we increment the class's score once again.
  • The last thing that we check is if any of the student groups that attend the class has any other class at the same time, and if they don't, we increment the score of the class.
  • If a class breaks a rule at any time-space slot that it occupies, its score is not incremented for that rule.
  • The total score of a class schedule is the sum of points of all classes.
  • The fitness value is calculated as schedule_score/maximum_score, and maximum_score is number_of_classes*5.





// Calculates fitness value of chromosome
void Schedule::CalculateFitness()
{// chromosome's scoreint score = 0;int numberOfRooms = Configuration::GetInstance().GetNumberOfRooms();int daySize = DAY_HOURS * numberOfRooms;int ci = 0;// check criterias and calculate scores for each class in schedulefor( hash_map<CourseClass*, int>::const_iterator it = _classes.begin(); it != _classes.end(); ++it, ci += 5 ){// coordinate of time-space slotint p = ( *it ).second;int day = p / daySize;int time = p % daySize;int room = time / DAY_HOURS;time = time % DAY_HOURS;int dur = ( *it ).first->GetDuration();// check for room overlapping of classesbool ro = false;for( int i = dur - 1; i >= 0; i-- ){if( _slots[ p + i ].size() > 1 ){ro = true;break;}}// on room overlapingif( !ro )score++;_criteria[ ci + 0 ] = !ro;CourseClass* cc = ( *it ).first;Room* r = Configuration::GetInstance().GetRoomById( room );// does current room have enough seats_criteria[ ci + 1 ] = r->GetNumberOfSeats() >= cc->GetNumberOfSeats();if( _criteria[ ci + 1 ] )score++;// does current room have computers if they are required_criteria[ ci + 2 ] = !cc->IsLabRequired() || ( cc->IsLabRequired() && r->IsLab() );if( _criteria[ ci + 2 ] )score++;bool po = false, go = false;// check overlapping of classes for professors and student groupsfor( int i = numberOfRooms, t = day * daySize + time; i > 0; i--, t += DAY_HOURS ){// for each hour of classfor( int i = dur - 1; i >= 0; i-- ){// check for overlapping with other classes at same timeconst list<CourseClass*>& cl = _slots[ t + i ];for( list<CourseClass*>::const_iterator it = cl.begin(); it != cl.end(); it++ ){if( cc != *it ){// professor overlaps?if( !po && cc->ProfessorOverlaps( **it ) )po = true;// student group overlaps?if( !go && cc->GroupsOverlap( **it ) )go = true;// both type of overlapping? no need to check moreif( po && go )goto total_overlap;}}}}total_overlap:// professors have no overlaping classes?if( !po )score++;_criteria[ ci + 3 ] = !po;// student groups has no overlaping classes?if( !go )score++;_criteria[ ci + 4 ] = !go;}// calculate fitess value based on score_fitness = (float)score / ( Configuration::GetInstance().GetNumberOfCourseClasses() * DAYS_NUM );

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