Symbian for Software Leaders : Principles of successful smartphone development projects

本文主要是介绍Symbian for Software Leaders : Principles of successful smartphone development projects,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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As a co-founder of Symbian and former executive of Psion Software,David Wood has been actively involved in well over 100 smartphone development projects worldwide. Over the time spent on these projects, he has come to understand the key issues which determine the difference between successful and unsuccessful projects for Symbian OS. This book highlights and explains: How to tame the awesome inner complexity of smartphone technology Optimal project team organisation, combining agility and reliability The design and the philosophy behind key features of Symbian OS The potential trouble spots of smartphone integration, testing, and optimisation How to receive the full benefit of the diverse skills in the extensive Symbian partner ecosystem The methods that are most likely to deliver commercial success when using Symbian OS The wider significance of Symbian OS skills and expertise in the evolving mobile marketplace The particular importance of software leaders in bringing breakthrough smartphone products to the market

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由于此书覆盖的领域之巨大, 翻译此书是非常具有挑战性的工作,如有过错请谅解和指正。 【注:彩色成像的基础(二)讨论光的传播 (三)光与物质的相互作用 暂时未翻译完成】                  前面几章讨论了光及其与物质的相互作用。当光线进入人眼时,会发生一种特别重要的相互作用。光落在视网膜上,会引发一连串最引人注目的事件。在本章和下一章中,我们将根据目前的知识水平,重点讨论这一系列事件。

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