The Photoshop Channels Book

2024-04-19 02:48
文章标签 channels photoshop book

本文主要是介绍The Photoshop Channels Book,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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One big advantage Photoshop professionals have always had was the understanding of channels. It was their secret weapon, and it enabled them to do things, and work in an entirely different way than their competitors, and maybe that's why the secret power of Photoshop's channels has been such a closely guarded secret. Until now.

Award-winning, bestselling author Scott Kelby (Editor of Photoshop User magazine) shows you how to unlock the power of Photoshop's Channels and really start using Photoshop like a pro. But this isn't a book of theory and technical explanations, this is a step-by-step project-based book that will teach you exactly how to the pros use channels in their everyday work (Using channels is one of the secrets they use to get twice the work done in half the time).

You'll learn how today's top photographers and graphic designers employ channels to make impossible selections, to speed their production workflow, to color correct images, to mask images, to create stunning color to black and white conversions, and to do dozens of inside tricks that set them apart from the field. There's a reason there's always been a mystique to using channels, and why Photoshop users who understand and use them stay on the cutting edge. Now, their secrets are revealed using the same plain-English style that has made Scott one of the leading Photoshop authors and instructors in the world today.

You'll be amazed at not only what you're able with channels, but you'll love the competitive advantage that using channels will give you. If you're ready to take your Photoshop skills to the next level, you're holding the book that will take you there, and you're gonna love it!

这篇关于The Photoshop Channels Book的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


比较学习难度:Adobe Illustrator、Photoshop和新兴在线设计平台

从入门设计开始,几乎没有人不知道 Adobe 公司两大设计软件:Adobe Illustrator和 Photoshop。虽然AI和PS很有名,有一定设计经验的设计师可以在早期探索和使用后大致了解AI和PS的区别,但似乎很少有人会系统地比较AI和PS。目前,设计软件功能多样,轻量级和网页设计软件已成为许多设计师的需求。对于初学者来说,一篇有针对性的AI和PS比较总结文章具有非常重要的指导意义。毕竟


文章目录 一、分析问题背景二、可能出错的原因三、错误代码示例四、正确代码示例五、注意事项 已解决java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException异常 在Java的NIO(New I/O)编程中,java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException是一个特定的异常,它发生在尝试获取与已存在文件锁


文章目录 一、分析问题背景二、可能出错的原因三、错误代码示例四、正确代码示例五、注意事项 已解决java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException异常 在Java的NIO(New I/O)编程中,java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException是一个常见的异常,通常表示试图在一个已经关闭的通道(Channel)上进


通道: 1、  通道分类: (1)      红色 (2)      绿色通道 (3)      蓝色通道 (4)      RGB通道,也称综合通道 (5)      Alpha通道 (6)      专色通道(只显示金色和银色,用来印刷) 图:   2、  Alpha通道的作用: 得到一个特殊的选取(复杂形状的选取) 3、  滤镜 例子:复杂选框、多边形相框 步骤一


1、  渐变工具 渐变类型: (1)      线性渐变 例子: 步骤一、 (2)      径向渐变 (3)      角度渐变 (4)      对称渐变 (5)      菱形渐变


1、  菜单下“图像”下的“调整”下的 (1)色阶(ctrl+L)调光,调节下面三个值 例子:树叶   (2)色彩平衡(ctrl+B),调整偏色的图 例子:(厨房)     (3)反相(ctrl+I) 例子:做一个黑背景,白文字的页面,选中上部分,选择反向,出现以下效果   (4)色相/饱和度(ctrl+U) 色相:什么颜色;饱和度:颜色的饱满程度 例子1:调整局部颜色


Photoshop 是一款由 Adobe 企业开发的图像处理软件,也被大家简称为 PS。在广告设计、摄影后期、数字绘画、网页设计等各个领域都得到了广泛的应用,是目前业界最受欢迎的图像处理软件之一。作为一款图像处理软件,Photoshop 为设计者提供了许多功能和工具,这些功能和工具可以使用户对图像进行相应的调整、编辑、修复和合成。本文将详细介绍Photoshop 有关功能让大家详细了解PS到底是什

“Photoshop AI插件:StartAI的全面使用攻略

随着人工智能技术的飞速发展,Photoshop作为设计师们不可或缺的工具,也在不断地融入AI技术,以提升设计效率和效果。在2024年,PSAI插件StartAI因其强大的功能和易用性,成为了Photoshop用户的得力帮手。下面来给大家详细介绍一下StartAI的使用攻略! StartAI是一款专为设计师研发的基于Photoshop的AI插件,致力于帮助设计师提高AI的使用能力,以实现更高效、更

MacOS - 启动台多了个『卸载 Adobe Photoshop』

问题描述 今天安装好了 Adobe Ps,但是发现启动台多了个『卸载 Adobe Photoshop』强迫症又犯了,想把它干掉! 解决方案 打开访达 - 前往 - 资源库,搜索要卸载的名字就可以看到,然后移除到垃圾筐


当psd文件右键点击--打开方式--选择默认程序photoshop也没用的时候,那应该是注册表未关联,可以试下以下方法: 第一步:在运行框中输入regedit,打开注册表编辑器,将HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.psd 下的 "默认"的数据值改成 CS3改为:Photoshop.Image.10 CS4改为:Photoshop.Image.11 CS5改为:Photoshop.I