MySpace Unraveled: What it is and how to use it safely

2024-04-19 01:18
文章标签 use myspace safely unraveled

本文主要是介绍MySpace Unraveled: What it is and how to use it safely,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Do you know what your children are up to on MySpace? MySpace Unraveled: What it is and how to use it safely discusses the booming MySpace social-networking phenomenon and shows you exactly what you need know about MySpace and how to create a safe online experience for your kids. Written by Larry Magid and Anne Collier of Family Tech Talk, this short and extremely useful guide discusses what children are doing on social-networking Web sites and why they have become so popular. While other books on this subject discuss how to use social networking sites, this is the first guide to address the topics important to parents. With this book parents will learn:

*The basics of online social networking.
*How children are using MySpace.
*Positive and negative aspects of social networking Web sites.
*Internet safety for kids.
*How to communicate with children about what they are doing online.
*What parental controls are available and how to use them.

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