iSCSI: The Universal Storage Connection

2024-04-18 18:48

本文主要是介绍iSCSI: The Universal Storage Connection,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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iSCSI: The Universal Storage Connection is an informative overview and in-depth guide to the emerging iSCSI standard, the technology that enables data storage, access, and management over networks, intranets, and the Internet. The iSCSI protocol reduces the total cost of ownership of shared storage solutions and enables an organization to tie together disparate systems and data, including both server class systems and laptop and desktop systems. Numerous leading technology companies, including IBM®, Cisco Systems®, and Intel®, are currently supporting iSCSI initiatives.

Written for network and data storage professionals, this comprehensive book introduces iSCSI and explores its growing role within the data storage industry. It describes each element of the technology in detailfrom session establishment through error handlingand examines the relationship between iSCSI and the SCSI protocol from which it evolved.

Specific topics discussed include:
*iSCSI's use in small office, midrange, and high-end settings
*TCP/IP fundamentals, and how they apply to iSCSI
*The importance of data integrity
*New hardware that addresses bandwidth and latency issues
*iSCSI naming conventions
*The establishment of a communication path between the host system and storage controller
*Commands and data sequencing
*Control of the flow of commands
*Task management
*Error handling
*Companion technologies, including discovery and security processes
*Backup and disaster preparation
*iSCSI performance issues

In addition, the book includes an explanation of the technologies that hardware vendors are implementing to permit direct memory placement of iSCSI messages without additional main processor involvement.

这篇关于iSCSI: The Universal Storage Connection的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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