Professional Office Business Application Development: Using Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

本文主要是介绍Professional Office Business Application Development: Using Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Office business application (OBA) development leverages the Office environment with SharePoint Server 2007 and Visual Studiotools for Office (VSTO) to build solutions that integrate the most important details of design, deployment, and development to Office tools that are used every day. Understanding the key elements of building and deploying an OBA is integral to bridge the gap between business data and the people who need it.

After two helpful introductory chapters that review the concepts and design patterns behind OBAs, Steve Fox and Bill Sheldon dive into discussing the ways of creating specific parts of an OBA. Using a sample sales forecast OBA throughout the book, the authors escort you from the client-side development of the sales forecast OBA to the SharePoint, server-side extensions so that you can learn firsthand how to build an OBA from end to end.

What you will learn from this book
*How various technologies connect to one another as part of a whole composite application
*How to add business intelligence through Excel Web Services and key performance indicators
*Ways to break down a scenario into various components so you can understand the specifics
*Tips for deploying and securing your OBA server components

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