
2024-04-16 06:52
文章标签 视频 知识点 拍摄




  1. Low Angle Shot 低角度拍摄、
  2. horizontal Shot 平视、
  3. Dutch Angle Shot 荷兰角斜拍、
  4. High Angle Shot 高角度拍摄、
  5. Bird’s-eye / Aerial Shot 鸟瞰 / 航拍



  1. 变焦 Zoom (放大、缩小)
  2. 平移 Pan (全景,左右旋转)
  3. 倾斜 Tilt (上下旋转)
  4. 小车 Dolly (相对主体前后平移)
  5. 卡车 Truck (左右平移)
  6. 基座 Pedestal (上下平移)
  7. 焦点变换 Rack focus (画面大小不变,调整镜头以模糊一个主体,同时锐化另一个主体)
  8. 固定 Fixed (镜头不动)




  1. 远景 Long Shot
  2. 全景 Medium Long Shot、Panorama
  3. 特写 Close-up
  4. 微距 Macro shot


  1. 大远景 Extra Long Shot
  2. 远景 Long Shot
  3. 全景 Medium Long Shot、Panorama
  4. 中景 Medium-shot
  5. 近景 Medium Close-Up
  6. 特写 Close-up
  7. 微距 Macro shot


prompt test

1. 视角


there is a caption of a video,: The video begins with an aerial view of a vibrant suburban neighborhood, showcasing approximately 50 houses, 10 multi-story apartment buildings, along with distinct red-roofed and green-roofed structures amidst lush greenery and tree-lined streets. Transitioning to a historical fortification in the middle frame, the scene unveils a grand stone wall encircling a spacious green area, punctuated by scattered trees and a central prominent tree, juxtaposed against modern buildings in the backdrop. Finally, the video concludes with another aerial perspective, this time capturing a historic fortification nestled within a hilly landscape, featuring stone buildings with thatched roofs, picnic areas amidst a grassy terrain, and distant houses and trees, all illustrating the captivating blend of history and nature. Each phase offers a unique glimpse into different environments, from suburban living to historical landmarks, all captured through stunning aerial photography.

The shooting angles of a video are divided into:

  1. Low Angle Shot
  2. horizontal Shot
  3. Dutch Angle Shot
  4. High Angle Shot
  5. Bird’s-eye / Aerial Shot

Which perspective does the video most belong to, please return one number only

chatgpt answer (True)

The perspective of the video belongs to option 5: Bird’s-eye / Aerial Shot.

DeepSeek-VL-7B answer (True)

The video belongs to the perspective of 5. Bird’s-eye / Aerial Shot.

True answer is Bird’s-eye / Aerial Shot

2. 运镜


there is a caption of a video,: The video begins with an aerial view of a vibrant suburban neighborhood, showcasing approximately 50 houses, 10 multi-story apartment buildings, along with distinct red-roofed and green-roofed structures amidst lush greenery and tree-lined streets. Transitioning to a historical fortification in the middle frame, the scene unveils a grand stone wall encircling a spacious green area, punctuated by scattered trees and a central prominent tree, juxtaposed against modern buildings in the backdrop. Finally, the video concludes with another aerial perspective, this time capturing a historic fortification nestled within a hilly landscape, featuring stone buildings with thatched roofs, picnic areas amidst a grassy terrain, and distant houses and trees, all illustrating the captivating blend of history and nature. Each phase offers a unique glimpse into different environments, from suburban living to historical landmarks, all captured through stunning aerial photography.

The camera movement are divided into:

  1. Zoom
  2. Pan
  3. Tilt
  4. Dolly
  5. Truck
  6. Pedestal
  7. Rack focus
  8. Fixed

Which movement does the video most belong to, please return one number only

chatgpt answer (True)

Based on the description provided, the video most likely primarily utilizes option 2: Pan.

DeepSeek-VL-7B answer (False)

The video most belongs to the movement of 8. Fixed.

True answer is Pan

3. 景别


there is a caption of a video,: The video begins with an aerial view of a vibrant suburban neighborhood, showcasing approximately 50 houses, 10 multi-story apartment buildings, along with distinct red-roofed and green-roofed structures amidst lush greenery and tree-lined streets. Transitioning to a historical fortification in the middle frame, the scene unveils a grand stone wall encircling a spacious green area, punctuated by scattered trees and a central prominent tree, juxtaposed against modern buildings in the backdrop. Finally, the video concludes with another aerial perspective, this time capturing a historic fortification nestled within a hilly landscape, featuring stone buildings with thatched roofs, picnic areas amidst a grassy terrain, and distant houses and trees, all illustrating the captivating blend of history and nature. Each phase offers a unique glimpse into different environments, from suburban living to historical landmarks, all captured through stunning aerial photography.

The scene type are divided into:

  1. Extra Long Shot
  2. Long Shot
  3. Medium Long Shot / Panorama
  4. Medium-shot
  5. Medium Close-Up
  6. Close-up
  7. Macro shot

Which scene type does the video most belong to, please return one number only

chatgpt answer (True)

Based on the description provided, the video most likely primarily utilizes option 3: Medium Long Shot / Panorama.

DeepSeek-VL-7B answer (True)

The video most belongs to the scene type of 3. Medium Long Shot / Panorama.

True answer is Medium Long Shot / Panorama







1、c++的输入加上ios::sync_with_stdio(false);  等价于 c的输入,读取速度会加快(但是在字符串的题里面和容易出现问题) 2、lower_bound()和upper_bound() iterator lower_bound( const key_type &key ): 返回一个迭代器,指向键值>= key的第一个元素。 iterator upper_bou


LntonAIServer视频质量诊断功能中的抖动检测是一个专门针对视频稳定性进行分析的功能。抖动通常是指视频帧之间的不必要运动,这种运动可能是由于摄像机的移动、传输中的错误或编解码问题导致的。抖动检测对于确保视频内容的平滑性和观看体验至关重要。 优势 1. 提高图像质量 - 清晰度提升:减少抖动,提高图像的清晰度和细节表现力,使得监控画面更加真实可信。 - 细节增强:在低光条件下,抖


1.访问位与修改位的题型(淘汰哪一页) 访问位:为1时表示在内存期间被访问过,为0时表示未被访问;修改位:为1时表示该页面自从被装入内存后被修改过,为0时表示未修改过。 置换页面时,最先置换访问位和修改位为00的,其次是01(没被访问但被修改过)的,之后是10(被访问了但没被修改过),最后是11。 2.内聚的类型 功能内聚:完成一个单一功能,各个部分协同工作,缺一不可。 顺序内聚:


《x86汇编语言:从实模式到保护模式》视频来了 很多朋友留言,说我的专栏《x86汇编语言:从实模式到保护模式》写得很详细,还有的朋友希望我能写得更细,最好是覆盖全书的所有章节。 毕竟我不是作者,只有作者的解读才是最权威的。 当初我学习这本书的时候,只能靠自己摸索,网上搜不到什么好资源。 如果你正在学这本书或者汇编语言,那你有福气了。 本书作者李忠老师,以此书为蓝本,录制了全套视频。 试


项目干货满满,内容有点过多,看起来可能会有点卡。系统提示读完超过俩小时,建议分多篇发布,我觉得分篇就不完整了,失去了这个项目的灵魂 一、需求分析 高校实验室预约管理系统包括三种不同身份:管理员、实验室教师、学生 管理员:给学生和实验室教师创建账号并分发 实验室教师:审核学生的预约申请 学生:申请使用实验室 高校实验室包括:超景深实验室(可容纳10人)、大数据实验室(可容纳20人)、物联网实验

SAM2POINT:以zero-shot且快速的方式将任何 3D 视频分割为视频

摘要 我们介绍 SAM2POINT,这是一种采用 Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM 2) 进行零样本和快速 3D 分割的初步探索。 SAM2POINT 将任何 3D 数据解释为一系列多向视频,并利用 SAM 2 进行 3D 空间分割,无需进一步训练或 2D-3D 投影。 我们的框架支持各种提示类型,包括 3D 点、框和掩模,并且可以泛化到不同的场景,例如 3D 对象、室


文章目录 一、非类型模板参数1.非类型模板参数的基本形式2.指针作为非类型模板参数3.引用作为非类型模板参数4.非类型模板参数的限制和陷阱:5.几个问题 二、模板的特化1.概念2.函数模板特化3.类模板特化(1)全特化(2)偏特化(3)类模板特化应用示例 三、模板分离编译1.概念2.模板的分离编译 模版总结 一、非类型模板参数 模板参数分类类型形参与非类型形参 非类型模板


1.是用户定义的数据类型,为一组相关的常量赋予有意义的名字。 2.enum常量本身带有类型信息,即Weekday.SUN类型是Weekday,编译器会自动检查出类型错误,在编译期间可检查错误。 3.enum定义的枚举类有什么特点。         a.定义的enum类型总是继承自java.lang.Enum,且不能被继承,因为enum被编译器编译为final修饰的类。         b.只能定义


今日继续学习树莓派5 8G:(Raspberry Pi,简称RPi或RasPi)  本人所用树莓派5 装载的系统与版本如下:  版本可用命令 (lsb_release -a) 查询: Opencv 与 python 版本如下: 今天就水一篇文章,用树莓派摄像头,Opencv录制一段视频保存在指定目录... 文章提供测试代码讲解,整体代码贴出、测试效果图 目录 阶段一:录制一段