理解Subjects, Principals and Credentials

2024-04-13 14:18

本文主要是介绍理解Subjects, Principals and Credentials,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

摘自:Inside Java 2 Platform Security - 2nd Ed,published by Addison Wesley,2003

8.4.1 Subjects and Principals
Users often depend on computing services to assist them in performing work. Furthermore, services themselves might subsequently interact with other services.

JAAS uses the term subject to refer to a system entity, such as a user or a computing service.

To identify the subjects with which it interacts, a computing service typically relies on names. However, a subject might not have the same name for each service and, in fact, may even have a different name for each individual service.

The term principal represents a name associated with a subject [71]. Because a subject may have multiple names, potentially one for each service with which it interacts, a subject in JAAS comprises a set of principals.

Once a subject is authenticated, an instance of javax.security.auth.Subject is created to represent that subject and is populated with objects that implement the java.security.Principal interface.

Authentication represents the process by which one system entity verifies the identity of another and must be performed in a secure fashion; otherwise, an intruder may impersonate others to gain access to a system.

Authentication typically involves the subject demonstrating possession of some form of evidence to prove its identity. Such evidence may be information only the subject would be likely to know or have, such as a password or smart card, or that only the subject could produce, such as signed data using a private key.

When it attempts to authenticate to a service, a subject typically provides the proof of its identity along with its name. If the authentication attempt succeeds, the service associates a service-specific Principal, using the given name, with the Subject. Applications and services can determine the identity of the Subject simply by referencing the relevant Principal associated with that Subject.

Reliance on named principals usually derives from the fact that a service implements a conventional access control model of security [69]. This model allows a service to define a set of protected resources and the conditions under which named principals may access those resources.

Both KeyNote [14] and SPKI [34] have focused on the limitations of using conventional names in large distributed systems for access control and note that public keys, instead, provide a more practical and scalable name representation.
JAAS and SPKI do not impose any restrictions on principal names. Localized environments that have limited namespaces or that do not rely on public-key cryptography may define principals that have conventional names.
Large-scale distributed systems may use principals that allow the principal name to be a public key.

8.4.2 Credentials
In addition to Principal information, some services may want to associate other security-related attributes and data with a Subject.
JAAS calls such generic security-related attributes credentials.

A credential may contain information that could be used to authenticate the subject to additional services.
Some common types of credentials are passwords, Kerberos tickets [87] and public-key certificates.
一个credential可能包含该subject到其它的服务认证的信息。credentail通常是密码,Kerberos tickets以及公钥证书。

Many of these credential forms are used in environments that support single sign-on.

Credentials may also contain data that simply enables the subject to perform certain activities. Cryptographic keys,
for example, represent credentials that enable the subject to sign or encrypt data. In JAAS, credentials may be any type
 of object. Therefore, existing credential implementations, such as java.security.cert.Certificate, can be easily
 incorporated into JAAS. Third-party credential implementations may also be plugged in to the JAAS framework.
credentials也可以包含一些数据,以便subject可以执行一些特定点活动。比如包含Cryptographic keys, subject就可以签名或者加密数据。

Although Kerberos tickets and cryptographic keys exemplify common types of credentials,
credentials can represent a wider range of security-related data.

Applications running on behalf of subjects must coordinate with the services on which they depend so as to
agree on the kinds of credentials that are needed and recognized during their interactions.
Thus, some credentials might be standard or well recognized, whereas others might be application and service specific.

In addition, credential implementations do not necessarily have to contain the security-related data;
they might simply reference that data. This occurs when the data must physically reside on a separate server or hardware device,
such as private keys on a smart card.

A subject must successfully authenticate to a service to obtain credentials. On successful authentication,
the service creates the appropriate credential object and associates it with the Subject.
Once a Subject has been populated with credentials, applications considered to be running on behalf of the subject may,
with the proper permissions, then access and use those credentials.

JAAS does not impose any restrictions about credential delegation to third parties.
Rather, JAAS either allows each credential implementation to specify its own delegation protocol, as Kerberos does,
or leaves delegation decisions up to the applications.

JAAS divides each Subject's credentials into two sets. One set contains the subject's public credentials,
such as public-key certificates. The other set stores the subject's private credentials, such as private keys,
Kerberos tickets, encryption keys, passwords, and so on.

To access a Subject's public credentials, no permissions are required. However,
access to a Subject's private credential set requires the caller to have been granted a PrivateCredentialPermission for the corresponding credential class.

这篇关于理解Subjects, Principals and Credentials的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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