using Regular Expressions to Look References in Source Insight

2024-04-13 05:58

本文主要是介绍using Regular Expressions to Look References in Source Insight,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

using Regular Expressions to Look References in Source Insight :




3.空格接下来是字母而不是分号(;),即不查找"break ;"




---- break\s[a-z] Matches (11 in 5 files) ---- (java\nvprormapi):                    break loop; (java\nvprormapi):                    break thread_loop; (java\nvprormapi):                    break thread_loop; (java\nvprormapi):                        break monitoring_loop; (java\nvprormapi):                        break thread_loop; (java\nvprormapi):                        break monitoring_loop; (java\nvprormapi):                    break thread_loop; (java\nvprormapi):                    break thread_loop; (java\nvprormapi):                        break monitoring_loop; (java\nvprormapi):                        break thread_loop; (java\nvprormapi):                        break monitoring_loop;

附: Regular Expressions in

Matching a Tab or Space


\t matches a single tab character.

Example: \tint abc; matches a tab character followed by int abc;.

\s matches a single space character.

Example: \sif matches a space character followed by if.

\w matches a single white space character. In other words, \w matches either a tab or space character.

Example: \wwhile matches either a tab or space character, followed by while.

Matching Any in a Set of Characters

[ .. ]

When a list of characters are enclosed in square braces [..] then any character in that set will be matched.

Example: [abc] matches a, b, and c, but not d.

When a caret ^ appears at the beginning of the set, the match succeeds only if the character is not in the set.

Example: [^abc] matches d, e, or f, but not a, b, or c.

Sets can conveniently be described with a range. A range is specified by two characters separated by a dash, such as [a-z]. The beginning character must have a lower ASCII value than the ending character.

Example: [a-z] matches any character in the range a through z, but not A or 1 or 2.

Sets can contain multiple ranges.

Example 1: [a-zA-Z] matches any alphabetic character.

Example 2: [^a-zA-Z0-9] matches any non-alphanumeric character.

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