
2024-04-13 03:44
文章标签 英语口语




  1. 整句话没听清、没听懂、没反应过来,请对方重复一遍

I’m sorry. Could you kindly repeat that question please?

Sorry professor, I beg your pardon?


I’m sorry. Could you kindly explain the meaning of xx in Chinese?

  1. 如果专业词汇解释了也不懂,或整个话题你没关注过也没见解

Sorry professor. This is really something out of my knowledge.

  1. 如果时主题发言类口试,话题明显超出了你的驾驭范围的话

Sorry professor. This is really something out of my knowledge. May I take another topic?

  1. 如果话题相关知识和观点你了解,但却无力用英语表达的话

Sorry professor. This topic is a little bit complicated. I don’t know how to express in English. May I speak Chinese?


📣1. 介绍一下你的家庭

Please tell me about your family?
Could you tell me something about your family?

There are three members in my family: my parents and me. My father is a technician. He often goes out on business. And therefore, most of the homework is done by my industrious mom. Climbing on weekend is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness. They can strengthen our relation, too.

technician [tekˈnɪʃn]
industrious [ɪnˈdʌstriəs]


What is your hometown like?
Talk about your hometown?

My hometown is Liangshan, Shandong Province. I love my hometown very much. Including its food and landscapes. First of all, it is famous for Wu Dalang cooking cake. Second, The Marshes of Mount Liang attract many tourists every year. Welcome to my hometown.


Do you have any hobbies?
What hobbies do you have?
What are you interested in?

There are many kinds of sports I like, such as swimming, skating, traveling and so on. But my favorite sport is running. It is a fantastic activity that not only keeps us fit, but also bring us a sense of accomplishment.

fantastic 奇妙的


What kind of books do you usually like to read?
What books do you usually enjoy reading?
What books have you read?

I like reading inspirational books. Such as :Three Days to See. Helen Keller is a model for me, she let me know that no matter what our situations might be, never stop dreaming, and never submit to our fate.


What are your strengths and weakness?
What advantages and disadvantages do you have?
Talk about your strengths and shortcomings?
Please talk about your strengths and shortcomings?

I think I have several advantages, such as kindness and honesty. But the most helpful one to me is carefulness. During the period of preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, it is my carefulness that made me got a decent score in this test. My biggest weakness is a lack of self-confidence. However, I have been working on improving my self confidence by practicing positive self-talk.


Please give a brief introduce of your college?
Please briefly introduce you college?

My undergraduate school is Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, located in Maoming Guangdong Province. The campus is really nice, with lots of green spaces and modern buildings.My time at GDUPT was great. It helped me grow both academically and personally.

great 美好的



Please give a brief introduction of your graduation thesis?

My graduation thesis focused on analyzing machine learning methods. Firstly, analyze the principles, models, advantages and disadvantages of several traditional machine learning methods. Secondly, sample and preprocess financial data. Finally, after hyperparameter tuning training, the optimal model is selected.

tuning 调整


How do you spend a day in college life?
What do you usually do in college life?

I usually get up at 7:30 in the morning and jog for half an hour before preparing for first lesson. At noon, I will have lunch with my classmates in the canteen. As for dinner, I usually go to snack street near the campus with my roommates. I think my college life is enriched and interesting.

📣3. 谈谈你本科最喜欢的专业课

What is your favorite undergraduate course in your major?
What’s your favorite course in your major?
What’s your favorite course?

My favorite course is data structure. Data structure can be said to be the soul of programming. Mastering it can improve the efficiency of our programming.



Why do you choose to take postgraduate exams?

I have a strong interest computers and have learned a lot from project development during my undergraduate studies. But I think continuing my studies is still very urgent for me. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world.


Why do you choose our school?
Why do you apply for our school?

Regarding your school, there are several points I would like to mention. First of all, it has an official recognition from the authority. What’s more, it enjoys a widespread reputation among people on multiple social platforms. Personally, my dream is to study at your school.


Why do you want to change your major?
Why do you choose this major of our school?

I chose to transfer to Network Security at your school because I have a strong interest in this field. I hope to further enhance my knowledge in the field of network security on the excellent platform of your school, and contribute to the cause of network security in China.


How to prepare for first interview and second interview?

In the first exam, I memorized words and learned grammar in English. And in math, my way of learning is to do lots of practices. and I reviewed my major that I learned during university, because reviewing the past to know new. In preparing for the second examination, I further improved my oral English ability and did not stop learning major course.

math /mæθ/
course /kɔːrs/



What is you plan for the next three years?
What are your goals for the future?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
What do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute?
What would you do if you were a graduate student?

If I am lucky enough to be accepted, I will plan myself from two aspects: academic research and engineering practice. On the one hand, under the guidance of my tutor, I will start from reading a lot of literature, conducting experiments with senior classmates, and then writing and successfully publish an article. My goal is to publish a high-level article before graduation. On the other hand, as a postgraduate who majors in network security, I will participate in the project of the laboratory. I am convinced that it will be a great exercise for me.


If you fail this time, what are you going to do for the near future?

If I fail I will seriously reflect on the lessons. I will continue my study. Of course, my parents live frugally for my education. I will continue to work in my present company and to prepare for next year’s exam in spare time.


Do you have any plans to apply for a PhD?
Have you thought of doing a PhD?

If there is an opportunity to do a PhD in the future, I will seriously take it into consideration.


How do you adjust your mindset when facing pressure and challenges?
How to face the difficulty of graduate students?
Can you describe the difficulties you have encountered in your academic research and how you overcame them?

It is normal to have difficulties. I will seek advice from senior students, especially to accept the guidance of the tutor with an open mind. I believe that through my efforts and with the help of my classmates and teachers, I can overcome the difficulties in the postgraduate stage.


What role do you play in team collaboration? Please give an example?

I usually play the role of organizer in team. I am good at collaborating with team members. For example, in the previous company’s project, I was responsible for coordinating the work of various developers, ensuring that the project was completed on time.



What do you think is the importance of Network Security in today’s society?

Network security is related to the information security of each and every one of us. In the online world, our personal information and privacy data are constantly at risk of being leaked and abused. Therefore, strengthening network security protection are ensuring personal information security are responsibilities and needs that each of us cannot avoid.


Please explain the concept of Network Security and its scope?

Network security refer to the compliance of various components of a network information system with security attributes. Network security involves preventing hackers, viruses, as well as legal polices and management issues.


Briefly describe the basic types of network attacks and their countermeasures?

The basic methods of network attacks mainly include viruses and malware, phishing and DDoS attacks. The countermeasure mainly include using antivirus software, verifying the authenticity of websites and using firewalls.


Please introduce yourself briefly?

  • (个人简介,获奖经历,学业相关经历,工作经历,未来打算)
  1. Good afternoon, professors and teachers! It is my great pleasure to be here for this interview. I’m Hanhui, 24 years old, born in Liangshan, Shandong Province. I graduated from Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology majoring in Information and Computing Science.
  2. During university, my average GPA over the past four years is 3.76, ranking third in my major. I have won four consecutive First-class Scholarships, one National Scholarship and two National Encouragement Scholarships. And I have passed CET-4 with decent scores. At the same time, I have won the second prize of the National University Students Electrical Math Modeling Competition and the third prize of the National Teddy Cup Data Mining Challenge and so on.
  3. In academic terms, I have a strong interest in the field of cloud computing. In college, I actively participated in the innovation and entrepreneurship training program for college students and was approved by the provincial level. In this process, I learned scientific research skills such as how to consult literature, write papers, and conduct data analysis. In addition, I also published a paper on cloud computing in Science and Technology Economy Guide magazine, the title of the paper is the application analysis of cloud computing technology in computer security storage. This has given me confidence in my academic abilities. At the same time, I also applied for a software copyright.
  4. After graduation, I became an ERP back-end development engineer in Qingdao. My job responsibilities mainly included back-end interface development and scheduled task development. In the project development, I improved my hands-on, cooperation and communication skills.
  5. If I am lucky enough to be accepted, I will plan myself from two aspects : academic research and engineering practice. On the one hand, under the guidance of my tutor, I will start from reading a lot of literature, conducting experiments with senior classmates, and then writing and successfully publishing an article.My goal is to publish a high-level article before graduation. On the other hand, as a postgraduate who majors in network security, I will participate in the project of the laboratory. I am convinced that it will be a great exercise for me.That‘s all.Thank you!


  • (个人简介,获奖经历,学业相关经历,工作经历,未来打算)
  1. 教授和老师们,下午好!我很高兴来到这里参加这次面试。我叫韩辉,今年24岁,山东梁山人。我毕业于广东石油化工学院信息与计算科学专业。
  2. 在校期间,我的四年平均绩点3.76,专业排名第3。我曾连续四次获得校一等奖学金,一次国家奖学金,两次国家励志奖学金。我以不错的成绩通过了大学英语四级考试。同时,我曾获得全国大学生电工数学建模竞赛二等奖和全国泰迪杯数据挖掘挑战赛三等奖等等。
  3. 在学术方面,我一直对云计算领域充满浓厚的兴趣。大学期间,我积极参与大学生创新创业训练计划项目并获得省级立项。在这个过程中,我学会了如何查阅文献、撰写论文、进行数据分析等科研技能。此外,我还曾在科技经济导刊发表过一篇关于云计算的论文,论文题目为计算机安全存储中云计算技术的应用分析,这让我对自己的学术能力充满信心。同时,我还申请了一项软件著作权。
  4. 毕业后,我在青岛成为了一名ERP后端开发工程师,我的工作内容主要是后端接口开发和定时任务开发。在项目开发中,我提高了自己的动手能力、合租能力和沟通能力。
  5. 如果我有幸被录取,我将从两个方面规划自己:学术研究和工程实践。一方面,在导师的指导下,我将从阅读大量文献开始,与高年级同学一起做实验,然后写一篇文章,然后成功发表。我的目标是在毕业前发表一篇高水平的文章。另一方面,作为一名网络安全专业的研究生,我将参与实验室的项目。我相信这对我来说将是一次伟大的锻炼。这是所有。谢谢你们!

entrepreneurship [ˌɑːntrəprəˈnɜːrʃɪp]





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在全球化日益加速的今天,英语已经成为了一种国际通用语言。无论是学术、职场还是日常生活,良好的英语口语能力都成为了我们不可或缺的技能。为了满足这一需求,市场上涌现出了众多人机对话英语口语训练软件。本文将为您详细介绍几款备受推崇的英语口语训练软件,帮助您轻松提升口语能力。 AI外语陪练 AI外语陪练,是一种利用人工智能技术模拟真实对话场景的外语学习工具。它可以根据用户的学习水平和需求,提供个性


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目录 一、紧急情况用语 二、常用英语口语 三、方向单词 四、问路常用英语 五、购物常用英语 六、点餐常用英语 七、食物英文名称称:菜单(menu) A、沙司(Sauce) B、菜肴生熟程度 D、饮料类 E、谷物类食品 F、蛋类 G、肉类 H、面包 I、正餐 J、甜点Desserts K、烹调方法 随着,国内经济的增长,这些年,很多国人开始走出家门看世界!无论你去哪一个国家,英语都是全球通行