Doze 学习记录

2024-04-10 22:36
文章标签 学习 记录 doze

本文主要是介绍Doze 学习记录,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

一. 退出doze:

  1. 收到BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED 时:


      final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
          public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
              if (BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED.equals(intent.getAction())) {
              } else {

2. 在notification 中 点击或者直接回复动作时:


          public void onNotificationClick(int callingUid, int callingPid, String key,
                  NotificationVisibility nv) {


public void onNotificationDirectReplied(String key) {


3. 通过耳机启动语音识别时:


boolean startVoiceRecognitionByHeadset(BluetoothDevice fromDevice) {




4. 在 中


(1) 当充电时:

      private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
          @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
              switch (intent.getAction()) {

                  case Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED: {
                      boolean present = intent.getBooleanExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_PRESENT, true);
                      boolean plugged = intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_PLUGGED, 0) != 0;
                      synchronized (DeviceIdleController.this) {

                          updateChargingLocked(present && plugged);
                  } break;

      void updateChargingLocked(boolean charging) {
          if (DEBUG) Slog.i(TAG, "updateChargingLocked: charging=" + charging);
          if (!charging && mCharging) {
              mCharging = false;
              if (!mForceIdle) {
          } else if (charging) {
              mCharging = charging;
              if (!mForceIdle) {
                  mActiveReason = ACTIVE_REASON_CHARGING;
                  becomeActiveLocked("charging", Process.myUid());

二.  触发更新交互状态:

    1. 监听亮灭屏事件触发:

                  filter = new IntentFilter();
                  getContext().registerReceiver(mInteractivityReceiver, filter);

      private final BroadcastReceiver mInteractivityReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
          public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
              synchronized (DeviceIdleController.this) {

2 . updateInteractivityLocked 函数解析:

      void updateInteractivityLocked() {
          // The interactivity state from the power manager tells us whether the display is
          // in a state that we need to keep things running so they will update at a normal
          // frequency.


          boolean screenOn = mPowerManager.isInteractive();
          if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "updateInteractivityLocked: screenOn=" + screenOn);
          if (!screenOn && mScreenOn) {
              mScreenOn = false;

              if (!mForceIdle) {
          } else if (screenOn) {
              mScreenOn = true;

              if (!mForceIdle && (!mScreenLocked || !mConstants.WAIT_FOR_UNLOCK)) {
                  mActiveReason = ACTIVE_REASON_SCREEN;

                  becomeActiveLocked("screen", Process.myUid());

3 . 检测到运动:

      public void onAnyMotionResult(int result) {
          if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "onAnyMotionResult(" + result + ")");
          if (result != AnyMotionDetector.RESULT_UNKNOWN) {
              synchronized (this) {

                 //取消sensing 的timeout 处理
          if ((result == AnyMotionDetector.RESULT_MOVED) ||
              (result == AnyMotionDetector.RESULT_UNKNOWN)) {
              synchronized (this) {

                  handleMotionDetectedLocked(mConstants.INACTIVE_TIMEOUT, "non_stationary");
          } else if (result == AnyMotionDetector.RESULT_STATIONARY) {

             // 检测到不运动
              if (mState == STATE_SENSING) {
                  // If we are currently sensing, it is time to move to locating.
                  synchronized (this) {
                      mNotMoving = true;
              } else if (mState == STATE_LOCATING) {
                  // If we are currently locating, note that we are not moving and step
                  // if we have located the position.
                  synchronized (this) {
                      mNotMoving = true;
                      if (mLocated) {

三. 快速进入doze:

   1. 在省电模式下,是快速进入doze

                          state -> {
                              synchronized (DeviceIdleController.this) {

 2.  updateQuickDozeFlagLocked 函数:

      /** Updates the quick doze flag and enters deep doze if appropriate. */
      void updateQuickDozeFlagLocked(boolean enabled) {
          if (DEBUG) Slog.i(TAG, "updateQuickDozeFlagLocked: enabled=" + enabled);
          mQuickDozeActivated = enabled;

         //空闲时激活快速瞌睡, 当处于STATE_IDLE 和 STATE_IDLE_MAINTENANCE状态.
          mQuickDozeActivatedWhileIdling =
                  mQuickDozeActivated && (mState == STATE_IDLE || mState == STATE_IDLE_MAINTENANCE);
          if (enabled) {
              // If Quick Doze is enabled, see if we should go straight into it.

          // Going from Deep Doze to Light Idle (if quick doze becomes disabled) is tricky and
          // probably not worth the overhead, so leave in deep doze if that's the case until the
          // next natural time to come out of it.


 四. 解析:


1. public void checkForAnyMotion: 获取加速度数据,直到我们确定 AnyMotion 状态。

      public void checkForAnyMotion() {
          if (DEBUG) {
              Slog.d(TAG, "checkForAnyMotion(). mState = " + mState);

         // 当状态不是 STATE_ACTIVE
          if (mState != STATE_ACTIVE) {
              synchronized (mLock) {
                  mState = STATE_ACTIVE;
                  if (DEBUG) {
                      Slog.d(TAG, "Moved from STATE_INACTIVE to STATE_ACTIVE.");
                  mCurrentGravityVector = null;
                  mPreviousGravityVector = null;


                 //设置timeout 时间
                  Message wakelockTimeoutMsg = Message.obtain(mHandler, mWakelockTimeout);
                  mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(wakelockTimeoutMsg, WAKELOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS);
                  mWakelockTimeoutIsActive = true;

2. startOrientationMeasurementLocked 函数:

      private void startOrientationMeasurementLocked() {
          if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "startOrientationMeasurementLocked: mMeasurementInProgress=" +
              mMeasurementInProgress + ", (mAccelSensor != null)=" + (mAccelSensor != null));
          if (!mMeasurementInProgress && mAccelSensor != null) {

              if (mSensorManager.registerListener(mListener, mAccelSensor,
                      SAMPLING_INTERVAL_MILLIS * 1000)) {
                  mMeasurementInProgress = true;

              Message measurementTimeoutMsg = Message.obtain(mHandler, mMeasurementTimeout);
              mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(measurementTimeoutMsg, ACCELEROMETER_DATA_TIMEOUT_MILLIS);
              mMeasurementTimeoutIsActive = true;

3.  mMeasurementTimeout 变量

      private final Runnable mMeasurementTimeout = new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
              int status = RESULT_UNKNOWN;
              synchronized (mLock) {
                  if (mMeasurementTimeoutIsActive == true) {
                      mMeasurementTimeoutIsActive = false;
                      if (DEBUG) Slog.i(TAG, "mMeasurementTimeout. Failed to collect sufficient accel " +
                            "data within " + ACCELEROMETER_DATA_TIMEOUT_MILLIS + " ms. Stopping " +
                            "orientation measurement.");

                      status = stopOrientationMeasurementLocked();
                      if (status != RESULT_UNKNOWN) {
                          mWakelockTimeoutIsActive = false;


4. mWakelockTimeout 变量:

      /** The maximum duration we will hold a wakelock to determine stationary status. */

     //设置timeout 为30秒
      private static final long WAKELOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 30000;

      private final Runnable mWakelockTimeout = new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
              synchronized (mLock) {
                  if (mWakelockTimeoutIsActive == true) {
                      mWakelockTimeoutIsActive = false;

5.  解析stop函数:

      public void stop() {
          synchronized (mLock) {
              if (mState == STATE_ACTIVE) {
                  mState = STATE_INACTIVE;
                  if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "Moved from STATE_ACTIVE to STATE_INACTIVE.");
              mMeasurementTimeoutIsActive = false;
              mSensorRestartIsActive = false;
              if (mMeasurementInProgress) {
                  mMeasurementInProgress = false;

              mCurrentGravityVector = null;
              mPreviousGravityVector = null;
              if (mWakeLock.isHeld()) {

                  mWakelockTimeoutIsActive = false;

                  //release wake lock

6. getStationaryStatus 函数: 更新mStatus状态

       * Updates mStatus to the current AnyMotion status.
      public int getStationaryStatus() {
          if ((mPreviousGravityVector == null) || (mCurrentGravityVector == null)) {

              //当上一个Gravity 或者当前的Gravity为null时,返回RESULT_UNKNOWN
              return RESULT_UNKNOWN;
          Vector3 previousGravityVectorNormalized = mPreviousGravityVector.normalized();
          Vector3 currentGravityVectorNormalized = mCurrentGravityVector.normalized();
          float angle = previousGravityVectorNormalized.angleBetween(currentGravityVectorNormalized);
          if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "getStationaryStatus: angle = " + angle
                  + " energy = " + mRunningStats.getEnergy());
          if ((angle < mThresholdAngle) && (mRunningStats.getEnergy() < THRESHOLD_ENERGY)) {

             //angle 和 Energy 都在阈值之内,则返回 RESULT_STATIONARY
              return RESULT_STATIONARY;
          } else if (Float.isNaN(angle)) {
             * Floating point rounding errors have caused the angle calcuation's dot product to
             * exceed 1.0. In such case, we report RESULT_MOVED to prevent devices from rapidly
             * retrying this measurement.

             //当前面angle 是一个非数,则返回RESULT_MOVED
              return RESULT_MOVED;
          long diffTime = mCurrentGravityVector.timeMillisSinceBoot -
          if (diffTime > STALE_MEASUREMENT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS) {
              if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "getStationaryStatus: mPreviousGravityVector is too stale at " +
                      diffTime + " ms ago. Returning RESULT_UNKNOWN.");

              return RESULT_UNKNOWN;
          return RESULT_MOVED;

五. 中onAnyMotionResult 解析:

      public void onAnyMotionResult(int result) {
          if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "onAnyMotionResult(" + result + ")");
          if (result != AnyMotionDetector.RESULT_UNKNOWN) {
              synchronized (this) {

          if ((result == AnyMotionDetector.RESULT_MOVED) ||
              (result == AnyMotionDetector.RESULT_UNKNOWN)) {

              synchronized (this) {
                  handleMotionDetectedLocked(mConstants.INACTIVE_TIMEOUT, "non_stationary");
          } else if (result == AnyMotionDetector.RESULT_STATIONARY) {

             //针对RESULT_STATIONARY 状态
              if (mState == STATE_SENSING) {
                  // If we are currently sensing, it is time to move to locating.
                  synchronized (this) {
                      mNotMoving = true;

                      //若此时处于sensing 状态,则进入idle 状态
              } else if (mState == STATE_LOCATING) {
                  // If we are currently locating, note that we are not moving and step
                  // if we have located the position.
                  synchronized (this) {
                      mNotMoving = true;
                      if (mLocated) {

                         //若处于定位状态,则进入idle 状态.

2 .handleMotionDetectedLocked 函数:


      void handleMotionDetectedLocked(long timeout, String type) {
          if (mStationaryListeners.size() > 0) {


             //更新Stationary的状态.分发onDeviceStationaryChanged 事件,说明有更新

             //设置timeout 时间
              // We need to re-register the motion listener, but we don't want the sensors to be
              // constantly active or to churn the CPU by registering too early, register after some
              // delay.

             //延迟注册运行Motion 监听
          if (mQuickDozeActivated && !mQuickDozeActivatedWhileIdling) {
              // Don't exit idle due to motion if quick doze is enabled.
              // However, if the device started idling due to the normal progression (going through
              // all the states) and then had quick doze activated, come out briefly on motion so the
              // user can get slightly fresher content.

             //若是开启快速进入doze 开关和 没有激活mQuickDozeActivatedWhileIdling,表示没有在STATE_IDLE 和 STATE_IDLE_MAINTENANCE 状态. 则直接退出.

        // 若mStationaryListeners 没有记录,则直接暂停motion检测
          // The device is not yet active, so we want to go back to the pending idle
          // state to wait again for no motion.  Note that we only monitor for motion
          // after moving out of the inactive state, so no need to worry about that.
          final boolean becomeInactive = mState != STATE_ACTIVE
                  || mLightState == LIGHT_STATE_OVERRIDE;
          // We only want to change the IDLE state if it's OVERRIDE.
          becomeActiveLocked(type, Process.myUid(), timeout, mLightState == LIGHT_STATE_OVERRIDE);

         //若deep状态不是STATE_ACTIVE 或者light 状态是LIGHT_STATE_OVERRIDE ,则可以进入inativie状态
          if (becomeInactive) {

五. 变量:

1.  设置pending idle timeout的缩放因数: 默认值2,也是2的倍数.

         * Scaling factor to apply to current pending idle timeout each time we cycle through
         * that state.
         * @see Settings.Global#DEVICE_IDLE_CONSTANTS
         * @see #KEY_IDLE_PENDING_FACTOR
        public float IDLE_PENDING_FACTOR;

2. 设置idle timeout 的缩放因数.默认值是2,也是2的倍数.

         * Scaling factor to apply to current idle timeout each time we cycle through that state.
          * @see Settings.Global#DEVICE_IDLE_CONSTANTS
         * @see #KEY_IDLE_FACTOR
        public float IDLE_FACTOR;


1. 快速进入doze.


        switch (mState) {
            case STATE_INACTIVE:
                // We have now been inactive long enough, it is time to start looking
                // for motion and sleep some more while doing so.
                long delay = mConstants.IDLE_AFTER_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT;
                if (shouldUseIdleTimeoutFactorLocked()) {
                    delay = (long) (mPreIdleFactor * delay);
                scheduleAlarmLocked(delay, false);

                moveToStateLocked(mConstants.isSmallBatteryDevice() ? STATE_QUICK_DOZE_DELAY : STATE_IDLE_PENDING, reason);

2. 是否需要location 和 sensing .

3. 当灭屏时,快速进入doze.

4. 配置亚索时间为true.

private static final boolean COMPRESS_TIME = false;


  MAX_IDLE_TIMEOUT = mParser.getDurationMillis(KEY_MAX_IDLE_TIMEOUT,
                        !COMPRESS_TIME ? 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000L : 30 * 60 * 1000L);

5. 需要将ro.config.small_battery 设置为true.

6. 调节设置time 的缩放因数为4.

7. 取消gps和network定位. 和监听motion 传感器。

1.打开doze 模式(此平台默认是关闭的)。
2. 将light doze 关闭,仅仅保留deep doze。
3. 缩短进入doze 流程。
4. 缩短doze的等待时间.
5. 忽略Sensor, location, network 的唤醒策略。

这篇关于Doze 学习记录的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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本章知识考点:         第20课时主要学习通信系统架构设计的理论和工作中的实践。根据新版考试大纲,本课时知识点会涉及案例分析题(25分),而在历年考试中,案例题对该部分内容的考查并不多,虽在综合知识选择题目中经常考查,但分值也不高。本课时内容侧重于对知识点的记忆和理解,按照以往的出题规律,通信系统架构设计基础知识点多来源于教材内的基础网络设备、网络架构和教材外最新时事热点技术。本课时知识


文章目录 1. 常见图结构2. 谱聚类 感觉后面几节课的内容跨越太大,需要补充太多的知识点,教授讲得内容跨越较大,一般一节课的内容是书本上的一章节内容,所以看视频比较吃力,需要先预习课本内容后才能够很好的理解教授讲解的知识点。 1. 常见图结构 假设我们有如下图结构: Adjacency Matrix:行和列表示的是节点的位置,A[i,j]表示的第 i 个节点和第 j 个


目录 一、express 1、初识express 2、安装express 3、创建并启动web服务器 4、监听 GET&POST 请求、响应内容给客户端 5、获取URL中携带的查询参数 6、获取URL中动态参数 7、静态资源托管 二、工具nodemon 三、express路由 1、express中路由 2、路由的匹配 3、路由模块化 4、路由模块添加前缀 四、中间件