本文主要是介绍Triple HDU - 5517 —— 二维树状数组,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
Given the finite multi-set A of n pairs of integers, an another finite multi-set B of m triples of integers, we define the product of A and B as a multi-set
C=A∗B={⟨a,c,d⟩∣⟨a,b⟩∈A, ⟨c,d,e⟩∈B and b=e}
For each ⟨a,b,c⟩∈C, its BETTER set is defined as
BETTERC(⟨a,b,c⟩)={⟨u,v,w⟩∈C∣⟨u,v,w⟩≠⟨a,b,c⟩, u≥a, v≥b, w≥c}
As a \textbf{multi-set} of triples, we define the TOP subset (as a multi-set as well) of C, denoted by TOP©, as
You need to compute the size of TOP©.
The input contains several test cases. The first line of the input is a single integer t (1≤t≤10) which is the number of test case. Then t test cases follow.
Each test case contains three lines. The first line contains two integers n (1≤n≤105) and m (1≤m≤105) corresponding to the size of A and B respectively.
The second line contains 2×n nonnegative integers
which describe the multi-set A, where 1≤ai,bi≤105.
The third line contains 3×m nonnegative integers
corresponding to the m triples of integers in B, where 1≤ci,di≤103 and 1≤ei≤105.
For each test case, you should output the size of set TOP©.
Sample Input
5 9
1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 2
1 4 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 4 1 2 2 4 3 3 2 3 4 1 3
3 4
2 7 2 7 2 7
1 4 7 2 3 7 3 2 7 4 1 7
Sample Output
Case #1: 5
Case #2: 12
using namespace std;
const int N=1e5+5;
const int maxn=1e3+5;
int b[N],cntb[N];
struct node
{int a,c,d,cnt;node(){}node(int a,int c,int d,int cnt):a(a),c(c),d(d),cnt(cnt){}bool operator< (const node& x)const{if(a==x.a&&c==x.c)return d>x.d;else if(a==x.a)return c>x.c;return a>x.a;}bool operator == (const node& x)const{if(a==x.a&&c==x.c&&d==x.d)return 1;return 0;}
int n,m,all,vis[maxn][maxn];
int lowbit(int x)
{return x&(-x);
void add(int x,int y)
{for(int i=x;i;i-=lowbit(i))for(int j=y;j;j-=lowbit(j))vis[i][j]=1;
int query(int x,int y)
{for(int i=x;i<maxn;i+=lowbit(i)){for(int j=y;j<maxn;j+=lowbit(j)){if(vis[i][j])return 1;}}return 0;
int main()
{int t;scanf("%d",&t);int cas=0;while(t--){scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);memset(b,0,sizeof(b));memset(cntb,0,sizeof(cntb));memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));int x,y,z;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);if(b[y]==x)cntb[y]++;else if(x>b[y])b[y]=x,cntb[y]=1;}all=0;for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z);if(cntb[z])p[++all]=node(b[z],x,y,cntb[z]);}sort(p+1,p+1+all);int len=0;p[++len]=p[1];for(int i=2;i<=all;i++){if(p[i]==p[len])p[len].cnt+=p[i].cnt;elsep[++len]=p[i];}int ans=0;for(int i=1;i<=len;i++){if(!query(p[i].c,p[i].d))ans+=p[i].cnt;add(p[i].c,p[i].d);}printf("Case #%d: %d\n",++cas,ans);}return 0;
这篇关于Triple HDU - 5517 —— 二维树状数组的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!