Move Files from Ubuntu to Windows 7 (Ubuntu和windows文件共享方法)

2024-04-04 07:38

本文主要是介绍Move Files from Ubuntu to Windows 7 (Ubuntu和windows文件共享方法),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

The newest Unbuntu system is Version 11.10 until 2012-3-2.Sometimes, you want to move files from your VirtualBox’s virtual machines to a Windows 7 host or vice versa, but how?  It’s simple really!  There are couple ways of doing it, but I prefer to keep it simple.  The steps are below:


Note: My Computer: Host is Windows 7 and the Vitual machine is Unbutun 11.10.


1. Install the additional package (安装增强功能包)

    Start your VirtualBox's Unbuntu 11.10 virtual machine, and click the "安装增强功能" in the virtual box's titile bar as shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1. The Additional Package in the Ubuntu 11.10 VirutalBOx


2. Restart you virutal machine and the additional package (VBoxLinuxAdditions) will be installed as shown in the desktop or in the left bar of your system as shown below in Figure 2:

Figure 2. The VBoxLinuxAdditions package when installing successfully


3. Now begin to build the share a folder in the Windows 7 host. Just create one share folder in your Windows 7 operating system and then set it a shared file. For example, I will create one shared file named Linux_share in the D disk as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. The shared fodler in the path of D:\VirtualBox, and named Linux_share


4. Enter your Ubuntu Sysem again and set up the shared space, in other words, point to the path of your Windows shared folder. The screenshot is presented in Figure 4 and 5.


  Figure 4. Add the Additinal Package from Figure 3                Figure 5. Successfully add the data space


5. Open the terminal in your ubuntu system,  first create one folder to transfer the files to Windows and then mount the folder in the command line:

sudo mount -t vboxsf Linux_share /home/tianliang/Windows_Share

Figure 6. The command line for mount the share folder In the Windows System


6. Now you can test that you can transfer your file from virtual box to Windows host or vice versa as shown in Figure 7.



Figure 7. The file in Ubuntu can be seen in Windows 7 host


7. The set up process has finished, you can have a try.


Note: 构建文件共享的过程中可能需要多次重启虚拟机,耐心配置!

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